After Francis: Roman Diocese Is in Shambles

After a "reform" in the Roman diocese, Francis disempowered the Cardinal Vicar in charge and took over personally, but never assumed his new duties, neglecting his priests and even sowing division among them, writes (24 February).

- Francis runs the Roman diocese as he did in Buenos Aires: no contact with the clergy, only a few have access to him to bring the latest gossip and to receive directives.

- Gossip is the system Francis uses to govern the Vicariate of Rome.

- The parish priests prefer not to hear about Francis and what is happening in the diocese: "There is a risk of losing one's own faith," a parish priest jokes bitterly.

- The climate created by Bergoglio has become unbearable.

- The Council of Bishops of Rome is completely divided.

- Francis doesn't care about priestly formation, but instead he hurls insults from the Vatican.

- Francis has not ordained any priests since 2021, and this year will be no different.

- On 24 February, the Rector of the Roman Seminary, Monsignor Michele Di Tolve - a faithful servant of the Court - came to the Vatican with the deacons who will be ordained priests in April to meet Francis, but they were not received because Francis "has a fever".

- In reality, Francis was healthy and the "fever" was just an excuse to avoid the meeting.

- The deacons returned home without being given another appointment.

- Francis' approach to priestly formation is to have educators who want priests according to their own image.

- Gone are the days when popes went to the seminary to meet the community and take care of the formation of future priests: "Those were bad and ugly popes, sons of power and of a Church that must disappear", writes

Picture: © Mazur/, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsZjbsymhwaz

I doubt he believes in Holy Orders or any of the other sacraments any longer, so who needs priests? Politicians and indoctrinators and social workers can do any chores the new & improved "Francis Church" needs doing.
Aaron Aukema
Lumen Gentium destroyed the concept of Holy Orders for Conciliarists. The new rite, at least for bishops, focuses on "administration" and "governing", not completing the ministry of a priest. Which is fine, because, according to the theology of the Novus Ordo, the priest doesn't offer the Mass, the assembly does (this is why the Novus Ordo isn't supposed to have private Masses: the priest doesn't …More
Lumen Gentium destroyed the concept of Holy Orders for Conciliarists. The new rite, at least for bishops, focuses on "administration" and "governing", not completing the ministry of a priest. Which is fine, because, according to the theology of the Novus Ordo, the priest doesn't offer the Mass, the assembly does (this is why the Novus Ordo isn't supposed to have private Masses: the priest doesn't offer the Mass), but a president of an assembly.

BXVI's Summorum Pontificum allowed Conciliar clerics to experience the priesthood, and, if the reports are correct, they LOVED it. However, seeing as Bergoglio rightly holds that V2 and the Mass of Ages cannot coexist. Conciliar clerics are little more than social workers, it seems.
When is His Holiness’s next lunch date with trannies? Perhaps the good Deacons could come see him then. Include them in with the whores and sodomite pairs wanting “blessings” for their abomination. Or let them come at the same time as Jimbo Martin SJ, who seems to be able to waltz in anytime he wants for a Papal private audience. Surely the Holy Father can spare a few minutes to see his Roman …More
When is His Holiness’s next lunch date with trannies? Perhaps the good Deacons could come see him then. Include them in with the whores and sodomite pairs wanting “blessings” for their abomination. Or let them come at the same time as Jimbo Martin SJ, who seems to be able to waltz in anytime he wants for a Papal private audience. Surely the Holy Father can spare a few minutes to see his Roman Deacons then….right? 😐
Everyday for Life Canada
This pontificate has been a disaster because the focus has been largely on building the City of Man while neglecting the City of God. Just think of the attention the pope and his enablers have gotten over the years and compare it to attention given to prayer, the sacraments, Christ and His Church. Now, there is talk about releasing the pope’s autobiography. No, thanks.
Francis avoided meeting with the deacons? The only worse treatment would be making them meet with him.