
Neither Donald Trump nor I Should Wear That Scarlet Letter! Fr. Gordon J. MacRae

Convicted felon is a label bestowed like a scarlet letter solely to shame another. The real shame is when it is used selectively as cover for one’s own inadequacies. The famous New England author, …More
Convicted felon is a label bestowed like a scarlet letter solely to shame another. The real shame is when it is used selectively as cover for one’s own inadequacies.
The famous New England author, Nathaniel Hawthorne, published The Scarlet Letter in 1850. In its time, it was a lurid Puritan New England soap opera that became classic American literature. In its pages, which shocked the Puritans of Hawthorne time, the young Hester Prynne was found to be with child, but the father was not her husband, a much older and morally ruthless Puritan man.
The real father was the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, the local Congregational minister. Refusing to reveal that truth, Hester Prynne was placed on display in the market square each day to be publicly shamed and shunned while adorned with a scarlet letter “A” for “adulterer” prominently on her dress. Nathaniel Hawthorne was well versed in the Puritan prejudices that shaped New England. His great grandfather was one of the three judges who presided …More
Dr Bobus
Nathaniel Hawthorne's daughter Rose was a convert who founded the Hawthorne Dominicans. Her cause has been opened. She is now Venerable
John A Cassani
I don’t think it’s strictly true of Trump, as the judge has the authority to set aside a guilty verdict of a jury, not to mention the other legal issues that delayed sentencing.