Karma Patriot : Actually, Pence was the one who STOPPED Nancy Pelosi’s attempted “J6 Coup”— meant to permanently stop the certification, overthrow the Government & frame a MSM narrative that placed …More
Karma Patriot :
Actually, Pence was the one who
STOPPED Nancy Pelosi’s attempted “J6 Coup”— meant to permanently stop the certification, overthrow the Government & frame a MSM narrative that placed all of the blame on their intended target, TRUMP.
She wanted it to be so bad, that they COULD NOT reconvene….bc that would’ve made it an official INSURRECTION.
You can tell she’s disappointed when PENCE calls to say they can reconvene. She was literally speechless…..bc that WAS NOT part of her plan.
It’s why Pence refused to leave the Capitol that day. He knew that without him there, Pelosi would be next in CoC— which would’ve given Pelosi the Authority to call for Trump to be immediately removed using the 25th.
I hope President Trump has enough security to protect his life. Alex Soros bullet hole scares me & the Clinton machine. Trump is correct they are not coming after him, they are coming after us.
Pray, Pray, Pray. Amen.More
I hope President Trump has enough security to protect his life. Alex Soros bullet hole scares me & the Clinton machine. Trump is correct they are not coming after him, they are coming after us.

Pray, Pray, Pray. Amen.
Simon North
He may have stopped Pelosi's coup. But his dismissal of what was already significant evidence of election fraud, he completely ignored. How did he explain to himself that 5 key swing States all stopped counting votes at 10pm when Trump had leads in all 5 - only then, overnight, supposedly count votes that were overwhelmingly for Biden (and in some of those States, just enough to give Biden the …More
He may have stopped Pelosi's coup. But his dismissal of what was already significant evidence of election fraud, he completely ignored. How did he explain to himself that 5 key swing States all stopped counting votes at 10pm when Trump had leads in all 5 - only then, overnight, supposedly count votes that were overwhelmingly for Biden (and in some of those States, just enough to give Biden the victory)? That dog just ain't gonna hunt. When before in the history of elections do people stop counting votes at 10pm????
John A Cassani
If Trump himself wasn’t willing to put himself on the line, why should Pence have done it? I definitely believe that the election was stolen, but I don’t believe that there were any peaceful means available at the time to prove that, against a government and military that were vested in the illegitimate result. The reason we can say that all of the indictments against Trump are “trumped up charges …More
If Trump himself wasn’t willing to put himself on the line, why should Pence have done it? I definitely believe that the election was stolen, but I don’t believe that there were any peaceful means available at the time to prove that, against a government and military that were vested in the illegitimate result. The reason we can say that all of the indictments against Trump are “trumped up charges,” is that he didn’t do anything significant to bring out the truth of what happened, beyond rhetoric.
Simon North
@John A Cassani What could Trump have done? I ask it seriously: what serious, effective options were at his disposal?