We suppport the Geneva Consensus Declaration. We seek to protect women, children and families. Therefore, we reject the radical leftist-pro-choice agenda. We express our opposition to UN & EU resolutions …More
We suppport the Geneva Consensus Declaration. We seek to protect women, children and families. Therefore, we reject the radical leftist-pro-choice agenda. We express our opposition to UN & EU resolutions calling for a "right to abortion". As Christians and citizens, we say NO to the killing of unborn lives. We reject the culture of death. EU, UN and the US - if governed by leftist Democrats - must amend their ways and return to a pro-family and pro-life perspective. The governments of the Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia, Uganda and the United States cosponsored a virtual October 22, 2020 gathering in Washington, D.C. for a multinational ceremonial signing of the Geneva Consensus Declaration (so-called because it was intended to occur in Geneva before the live meeting of the World Health Assembly was postponed due to COVID-19). This Declaration further strengthens the coalition to achieve these four pillars: (1) better health for women, (2) the preservation of human life, (3) strengthening of family as the foundational unit of society, and (4) protecting every nation's national sovereignty in global politics. For example, it is the sovereign right of every nation to make their own laws in regard to abortion, absent external pressure. We believe that finding genuine solutions to health concerns should be a priority uniting Member States. This Declaration charts a positive way forward for accelerating progress on achieving this end.

German-speaking people can sign a petition supporting the Geneva Consensus Declaration:
Jetzt Genfer Konsenserklärung zum Schutz der Ungeborenen und der Familie unterzeichnen!

I believe more European countries should sign on to the Geneva Consensus Declaration and follow the splendid example set by Hungary and Poland! BELOW: PDF Download Geneva Consensus Declaration, several languages. Free countries should not be bullied by the UN, EU or the Biden administration to accept a supposed "right to abortion" or "gender mainstreaming". That violates our understanding of what family, marriage and children are all about. Here is where the Geneva Consensus Declaration can help. It was sponsored by Brazil, Hungary, the US and others and it gives nations a chance to make a statement against the radical anti-family rhetoric, bullying and economic extortion of globalist elites. We the people defend our faith, family and freedom. The Geneva Consensus Declaration was introduced by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on 10/22/2021 which is actually the Feast Day of Pope St. John Paul II. And yes, Poland also signed the Geneva Consensus Declaration. As a German I demand the German government to sign this declaration and end the radical leftist Merkel & EU policies. The German government needs to stop splitting European society. That goes for von der Leyen as well. They betray their country to China and the globalists while sacrificing good relations to the US esp. during the Trump administratioan.

Geneva Consensus Declaration (English) Poster: Geneva Consensus Declaration English 11-10-2020 Geneva Consensus Declaration English

Geneva Consensus Declaration in Arabic: اعلان توافق أراء جنيف حول تعزيز صحة المرأة وتقوية الأسرة

Geneva Consensus Declaration in Spanish: Geneva Consensus Declaration (Spanish): Protecting families and the right to life. More nations can sign. Geneva Consensus Declaration Spanish
Geneva Consensus Declaration in French: Geneva Consensus Declaration (french): protecting families, womens health and the right to life. Mor… Geneva Consensus Declaration French
Geneva Consensus Declaration in Russian: Geneva Consensus Declaration Russian

Geneva Consensus Declaration in German: (Genfer Konsenserklärung) Gerade eben gingen Weihnachten, das Fest der Heiligen Familie und das Fest der unschuldigen Kinder a…

Open Letter To German politicians for Christmas 2020 demanding signature of Geneva Consensus Declaration: Rundschreiben zu Weihnachten an unsere Politiker in Deutschland, für die wir beten.

People in German-speaking countries can sign this petition in support of the Geneva Consensus Declaration: Jetzt Genfer Konsenserklärung zum Schutz der Ungeborenen und der Familie unterzeichnen!

#Geneva #Consensus #Declaration #family #women #children #life