PERSECUTION of CHRISTIANS in TODAY's CANADA. rebelnews.com/…eaking_pastor_tim_stephens_arrested_on_new_charges Pastor Tim Stephens arrested on new charges after 'underground' church services by Adam SoosMore
Pastor Tim Stephens arrested on new charges after 'underground' church services by Adam Soos June 15, 2021
Pastor Tim Stephens was arrested on Monday afternoon on new charges, after Fairview Baptist Church gathered for underground worship for the second week in a row since their church was effectively seized by Alberta Health Services last Saturday.
Alberta authorities were forced to drop other charges against Pastor Tim last month, after discovering that Alberta Health Services never served Pastor Stephens with the court order he was accused of having violated, a requirement under the order. That effectively ended the case against Pastor Tim, but he will now be facing another legal battle.
Over the weekend, an ever-growing crowd gathered at the undisclosed location and shared the word, sang songs of praise and heard Pastor Tim preach.
As worship progressed, a police helicopter …More
Ultraviolet ! Nuremberg' trial is my answer for your blindness ...
@POLSKA2020 CAPSLOCK AND RED TEXT is just hype. There's nothing "masonic" or "satanic" about the police mindlessly following whatever orders they're given.
English canadian FREEMASONRY get MAD that simple faithful people raise their heads, that are able to say "NO. We cannot follow your satanic rules. Our Lord is God. Our Lord is Jesus Christ. "
Yes. Hitler's GESTAPO, SS, Wermacht were on same level of "bravery" as today's police, administration, doctors, judges, soldiers...and it is not big difference among Canada, Poland, Germany, Great Britain, China or France...
They are only following orders of their masters, the Illuminati/Freemasons who are gladhanding and giving photo ops at the G7 these days, and the people who are totally brainwashed wonder whether they're distancing!
"They are only following orders of their masters, the Illuminati/Freemasons..." Please show evidence that overwhelmingly police chiefs are "Illuminati/ Freemasons". Good luck with that. You've been on this "Illuminati/Freemason" gimmick for days now.
Sensus Fidelium
the cop admits he is a robot that doesn't think
Sensus Fidelium
the nazis needed those 'just following orders' to push their junk
'doing my job' the cop has no spine
Share this video to whole the world....to Africa, to Asia, to Europe, to Australia and Southern America.... Let world know ....
evil laws from evil politicians
FREEMASONRY is SATANIC... Freemasonry took power in whole this world in the name of satan.
We are in this point of history when police, judges, doctors, politicians persecute believers in Jesus Christ and think that they are doing RIGHT things. Everything predicted has to be filled out. "Everybody who will be faithful to the end will be Saved"
Christians, Catholics.... everybody who truly believe in Jesus Christ DO NOT turn around when ours BROTHERS and SISTERS are PERSECUTED.
PRAY, REPENT for your sins, share this information with whole free world, support persecuted with your money and lawyer's ...
In the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
With help of Holy Mother, Maria, Mother of Jesus Christ and all of us. …More
Christians, Catholics.... everybody who truly believe in Jesus Christ DO NOT turn around when ours BROTHERS and SISTERS are PERSECUTED.
PRAY, REPENT for your sins, share this information with whole free world, support persecuted with your money and lawyer's ...
In the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
With help of Holy Mother, Maria, Mother of Jesus Christ and all of us.

We fly to Thy protection,
O Holy Mother of God;
Do not despise our petitions
in our necessities,
but deliver us always
from all dangers,
O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.
Our Lady, our Mediatrix, Our Advocate
Reconcile us to your Son
Recommend us to your Son
Represent us to your Son.
Police became tool of satan. Everybody, who serve EVIL, who doesn't care about TRUE, moral code, takes money from possessed rulers became part of satan's kingdom.
Brothers and Sisters in Canada and whole Christian world ! Let's kneel down, repent and pray... Time of satan came...
Put your whole life in hands of Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother, Maryja.
Everyone who follow Jesus Christ must take his own cross.
God give our persecuted Brothers strength. God ! Bless them !