Exposed 30 Week Late Term Abortion New Mexico. Abortion Free New Mexico is working with Priests for Life to raise national awareness about late term abortion. EXPOSED: 30 Week Late Term Abortion (May …More
Exposed 30 Week Late Term Abortion New Mexico.

Abortion Free New Mexico is working with Priests for Life to raise national awareness about late term abortion. EXPOSED: 30 Week Late Term Abortion (May 2, 2017) Southwestern Women's Options located in Albuquerque, New Mexico Fully Funded by New Mexico Medicaid See for yourself how easy it is to kill a healthy baby for any reason...
I think they should be in jail if someone has an abortion because your killing your baby and then if you don't want it then put it in an orphanage.
The reality is, what an abortionist considers the life and health of the mother has no limits. In fact, Carhart, when he spoke to Johns Hopkins University, said he trusts women; if a woman decides she needs to see him, she needs to see him. In the same talk he as much as said men have the ability to walk away from their children at any point of their life, thru adulthood, therefore women should …More
The reality is, what an abortionist considers the life and health of the mother has no limits. In fact, Carhart, when he spoke to Johns Hopkins University, said he trusts women; if a woman decides she needs to see him, she needs to see him. In the same talk he as much as said men have the ability to walk away from their children at any point of their life, thru adulthood, therefore women should not be denied the same option. This is their solution to the "problem" of an unplanned pregnancy.