
“How do I love thee?” Abortionist Carhart’s Fatal Attraction

Last week Germantown abortionist LeRoy Carhart did what he says he hasn’t done in 10 years: He allowed his name in print to announce a speaking engagement at the prestigious Johns Hopkins University, an hour from his late-term abortion business in Germantown, Maryland. He took note of the security precautions.

“Thank you so much for coming,” was repeated again and again as students and providers came forward to ask a wide range of questions of Carhart, referring to himself as one of four U.S. doctors who had already developed an injection to bring fetal demise, outwitting “the antis” who he describes as using the courts for no reason other than seeking to limit abortion access.

Topics for the evening included his perspective on a soon to be argued Supreme Court case, the future of tele-med abortion (where abortion pills are dispensed from a drawer with a doctor on a computer screen somewhere else in the country), his greatest rewards and challenges, to name a few.

From several things he says, it becomes clear how he wants to be known: The go-to guy when women are certain that fetal demise is their desire.

He has taken a financial hit, giving up a, “one-week-on, two-weeks-off” arrangement in Nebraska and picking up in Maryland that he says is unlikely to successfully challenge laws that have codified Roe and Doe.

He has lived as if a prisoner in his own home like the program, “Madame Secretary” (I have to admit, I’ve never seen it) and changes his routine regularly so as to not be predictable.

He won’t give up performing abortions for anything, but differentiates between “unplanned” (which he said he does not do) and life-threatening as well as psychologically unwanted. “The women know what they need. You just have to be there for them.” He later takes back his claim to not abort unplanned babies by quipping we are probably all the result of an unplanned pregnancy but, “Once you’ve decided, ‘I need an abortion,’ then I need to see you.”

He really cares, and has gone to great lengths for his love. Are you getting that impression?

But who is his love, really?

At one point he throws men under the bus, but not out of their lack of support of women with children, but because they get away with ditching their children from conception to age 21 but the woman isn’t so fortunate.

He speaks of supporting women, whatever their decision, and says, “She’s welcome to take anyone’s input.” Yet this is contradicted by his infamous policy, using hired security if needed to tell clients and those who accompany them, if they’re as much as seen speaking to counselors their appointment will be cancelled.
Abortion guards

On one occasion an officer abruptly halted a conversation where a driver was sharing with a counselor about his painful experience of miscarriage. On another occasion, a couple who was deeply conflicted and facing a poor prenatal diagnosis was left standing in the parking lot and watched the staff lock the office and leave together and the senior staff person saying no more than, “Excuse me, I need to get by.”

Staff leaves couple in parking lot deeply conflicted; today they are very happy to have their baby (photo with permission)

He goes in to great detail about the serious security risks not only for him but for his staff and patients. Yet then carries on about how the world just isn’t a forgiving place and attending Virginia Tech or working at a 7-Eleven convenience store is equally as dangerous. His staff have been seen casually laughing and joking, strolling down the sidewalk to a trash bin, the hired security making no effort to accompany them.

And then he says at another time that only the same eight people have opposed him for the past 15 years.

Catholic fighting evil pray in front of Carhart's office

When asked if he provides mental health support he says he only refers women out. At this point he seeks obvious deception by saying women never need help because of their abortion, but only because of what it took to get there for an abortion. Tell that to this young teen, left weeping in the parking lot alone after her late-term procedure.

Teen mother weeping after her late-term abortion

He’s a bit like a demented Don Quixote, so consumed in confused chivalry that he simply can’t kill enough, a circuit rider working 7 days a week.

At one point someone suggests there’s talk that he is exhausted and a question is asked whether there are regulations dictating how long he can work. He is puzzled at the suggestion and says he doesn’t think he has ever been impaired. The next day he sent his third client in 7 weeks to hospital by ambulance with unstoppable bleeding.

UPDATE: Since the time of publishing, dangerous and careless LeRoy Carhart has sent three more women away by ambulance on March 20, March 30 and April 4.

Ambulance, December 15, 2015

Ambulance, January 19, 2016

Ambulance, February 4, 2016

Ambulance, March 20, 2016

Ambulance March 30, 2016

Ambulance April 4, 2016

When explaining the pointlessness of making partial birth abortion illegal LeRoy Carhart explains that virtually every abortion results in part of the baby being removed before the baby dies. This is his matter-of-fact solution for women who he insists can’t be good mothers and also develop as they should or the woman’s parents who would prefer to be grandparents, not parents a second time. It's just no problem to kill them, pull them out in pieces, and neatly box their bodies to await the pick-up truck to take them to the local incinerator.

Boxed babies are brought to the incinerator

I can agree with LeRoy Carhart saying the world is an unforgiving place. Can we recognize that as we regard the unborn, we are coming to regard one another?

This very day LeRoy Carhart can begin to re-think his fatal attraction, the many ways he loves his dedication to affirming a woman is better off with a dead baby, that 80-100,000 babies are each better off dead. This day he can turn and begin, “giving back” as he says, by truly helping women, families and society affirm life is a gift.

Listen to the full talk at Johns Hopkins University here.

A call to Catholic Church leaders and pew sitters: Real care, real love for women who are in a crisis pregnancy would be having more knowledge than any other about the reality of abortion’s violence, about the suffering and regret that abortion has caused to women and men, families and society.

Real love would include knowledge of all opportunities for adoption from completely “closed” to so open that birth mothers select adoptive families from lovingly created family albums, write letters to their child or have grandparents attend birthdays and other significant life events.

Real love would provide information about families waiting to specifically adopt down syndrome babies or babies with a poor prenatal diagnosis. Real love would include information about perinatal hospice, affirming parents who wish to hold and love their babies for the short time they may live outside the womb rather than allow anyone to skew this as a selfish decision.

Real love would include knowledge of a variety of resources for anything from spiritual and life counseling to housing and material needs help to medical care.

Real love would be finding the courage to stand as a public witness to the truth that life is a gift, always, and be willing to engage someone with different views or brave a particularly cold or hot day for a time.

And real love would be speaking boldly, with authority what the Catholic Church teaches about the Eternal consequences of mortal sin in hopes that many will repent of their sin and be set free. As a priest friend once described, "'I'm sorry' means, 'If I had to do it again, I wouldn't do it.'"
@aderito, you are right! You've reminded me of what Fr. Marcel Guarnizo said in writing about another infamous abortionist, Kermit Gosnell: "It should be firmly locked in our thinking that no human being has any jurisdiction assigned by democracy to vote on who shall live and who shall die. The right to life is not something that is morally within our power as citizens to deny to any member of the …More
@aderito, you are right! You've reminded me of what Fr. Marcel Guarnizo said in writing about another infamous abortionist, Kermit Gosnell: "It should be firmly locked in our thinking that no human being has any jurisdiction assigned by democracy to vote on who shall live and who shall die. The right to life is not something that is morally within our power as citizens to deny to any member of the human species, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, size, or stage of development. Unalienable rights are beyond the legitimate jurisdiction of voters. Courts lose legitimacy when they claim authority over things beyond their legitimate reach."
Our society is decaing very fast .when murderes of babies are allowed ,with support of governments to kill with out remorse or feelings .how can they sleep ?
Uncle Joe
How do I love thee?
His is not an example of Love but merely a mendacious desire for monetary gain by killing the unborn.
"Conscious love rarely obtains between humans; but it can be
illustrated in the relations of man to his favourites in the animal and
vegetable kingdoms. The development of the horse and the dog from their
original state of nature; the cultivation of flowers and fruit—these are …More
How do I love thee?
His is not an example of Love but merely a mendacious desire for monetary gain by killing the unborn.
"Conscious love rarely obtains between humans; but it can be

illustrated in the relations of man to his favourites in the animal and

vegetable kingdoms. The development of the horse and the dog from their

original state of nature; the cultivation of flowers and fruit—these are

examples of a primitive form of conscious love, primitive because the

motive is still egoistic and utilitarian. In short, Man has a personal use for

the domesticated horse and the cultivated fruit; and his labour upon them

cannot be said to be for love alone. The conscious love motive, in its

developed state, is the wish that the object should arrive at its own native

perfection, regardless of the consequences to the lover. 'So she become

perfectly herself, what matter I?' says the conscious lover. 'I will go to hell if

only she may go to heaven'. And the paradox of the attitude is that such

love always evokes a similar attitude in its object.


"Conscious love begets conscious love. It is rare among humans because, in the first place, the vast majority are children who look to be loved but not to love; secondly, because perfection is seldom conceived as the proper end of human love—though it alone distinguishes adult human from infantile and animal love; thirdly, because humans do not know, even if they wish, what is good for those they love; and fourthly, because it never occurs by chance, but must be the subject of resolve, effort, self-conscious choice.Such a lover enrolls himself, goes through his apprenticeship, and perhaps one day attains to mastery. He perfects himself in order that he may purely wish and aid the perfection of his beloved.


"Would one enroll in this service of conscious love? Let him forswear personal desire and preconception. He contemplates his beloved. Whatmanner of woman (or man) is she (or he)? A mystery is here: a scent of perfection the nascent air of which is adorable. How may this perfection be actualized—to the glory of the beloved and of God her Creator? Let him
think, is he fit? He can only conclude that he is not. Who cannot cultivate flowers, or properly treat dogs and horses, how shall he learn to reveal the perfection still seedling in the beloved? Humility is necessary, and then deliberate tolerance. If I am not sure what is proper to her perfection, let her at least have free way to follow her own bent. Meanwhile to study—what she is, and may become; what she needs, what her soul craves and
cannot find a name, still less a thing, for. To anticipate today her needs of tomorrow. And without a thought all the while of what her needs may mean to me. You will see, sons and daughters, what self-discipline and selfeducationare demanded here. Enter these enchanted woods, ye who dare."
On Love © 1924 A. R. Orage
A state who allows such a thing has lost its right to exist. The wrath of God will take care of such a state.
heartbreakingly sad -
I will pray for all the unborn babies, for their mothers and for the people fighting against abortion .
Read this and weep. Why will the world burn in the fires of hell? Because it is an unforgiving place.