‘Great mental reset’: Was COVID engineered to wage war on the human mind?

LifeSiteNews, by: Frank Wright

In an interview with Tucker Carlson published April 1, German doctor and scientist Michael Nehls produced an explanation for COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines which will shock the world.
A free preview on X covers the main points which are explored in a full-length paywalled video on Carlson’s website.
Why did the medical establishment push the Covid vax on the world even when they knew it didn’t work? Dr. Michael Nehls says it wasn’t about money. It was about conquering the human mind.
In the interview, Nehls says both the virus and the vaccines have been engineered to render humans incapable of thought, memory, and resistance to fear propaganda. The goal is to reduce humanity to a permanent “zombie mode,” ruled by a world government of AI algorithms.
Nehls said of his research: “I realized it’s not about health. It’s not about not even money. It’s about conquering the human mind.”
Nehls’ account is rich with evidence to support these astonishing claims, which, if true, would signify a plot to destroy humanity forever.

Proteins and propaganda
In an account which explains the relation between the constant narratives of fear, the insane policies of our governments, and the effects of the genetically-engineered spike proteins in COVID and the “vaccines,” Dr. Nehls says the pieces came together for him when he understood the impact of the virus and the injections on the human brain.
“And then it totally made sense suddenly, and all the pieces of the puzzle fell together [seamlessly],” he explains. “I had a picture in front of me which clearly showed what they are up to. And that is really to undermine the human ability to think.”
His 49-minute interview published on Tucker Carlson’s website is no April Fools’ prank. In it, Nehls explains the science and the research behind the astonishing claims he makes in his supporting book.

‘The Indoctrinated Brain’
Titled The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom, the book “unveils a previously unidentified neurobiological mechanism of indoctrination that significantly alters personality.”
Nehls, together with Naomi Wolf, argues in the book that media scaremongering is only one front in a “war on the human brain.”
Overwhelming evidence suggests that battles against perpetual pandemics, uncontrollable climate change, and national borders are merely aspects of a singular, covert war on the human brain.
The objective is the permanent capture of humanity – through the destruction of our “mental immune system.”
The real battlefield is our autobiographical memory, and thereby the mental immune system of our society.
The weapon of depression
Nehls’ book cites the true pandemic of mental illness and depression, which he states is also a real yet manufactured crisis.
The sharp decline in mental health across all age groups is not mere collateral damage of a flawed anti-COVID-19 strategy, but the logical outcome of a stealthy and sophisticated neuropathological indoctrination process.
Epidemic mental illness is a symptom and driver of mass indoctrination, with total control the final aim.
This process aims for a Great Mental Reset, positioning humanity to ‘willingly’ accept a new totalitarian system from the outset, despite its fundamental incompatibility with human nature.

Humanity in zombie mode
Nehls illustrates how humanity is being reprogrammed to be without memory, agency or individuality based on an acceptable model of human consciousness.
This, he says, is being done to make the future technocratic rule by artificial intelligence acceptable to a population made pliant by biological warfare.
What’s happening here is ‘we destroy individuality.’
The “we” here are the governments and NGOs seeking to realize their technocratic tyranny.
That means we destroy that – your creative power of humanity. And then trust we just follow the rules of the artificial intelligence.
How is this achieved in practice? Nehls cites the work of Nobel laureates – economist Daniel Kahnemann and human genome pioneer Francis Crick, who expounded the “two-system” theory of the brain.
“System two is the thinking brain,” says Nehls, whereas “system one is our default action during the day – which allows us in standard situations to react in a way that doesn’t cost any mental energy.”
“And [Crick] named system one the zombie mode. So if you are not able to engage system two anymore – under the attack of the virus and the fearmongering and an unhealthy lifestyle – then we are stuck in a zombie mode, and I really fear the zombie society very much.”
Aside from the suppression of remedies, Nehls also mentions how the lockdown restrictions kept people away from healthy behaviors, reducing their exposure to sunlight, exercise and rewarding social relations. This, too, he says, is intentional, with the resulting depression itself a mechanism of shutting down the thinking brain of system two.
Carlson, visibly shocked, asked what this means for religious belief.
Nehls replies: “Religious belief is based on memory. If memory is overwritten – you already have the answer.”
The future that is planned is one without God, and absent all meaningful human identity. Perhaps this is what is meant when they say, “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”

It seems that this threatening promise is not limited to possessions, but also includes the soul.

The mechanism of control
In the interview, Nehls says that the spike proteins in the virus and the “vaccines” have been deliberately engineered to enter the brain – an action which was not possible with SARS-CoV-1.
He states that the research papers published in 2007 and 2008 on this first coronavirus outbreak demonstrated the danger of spike proteins, which caused only “secondary neuroinflammation” at the time.
“So when you look back 15 years ago, it was clear that the spike protein is a bioweapon against the brain, particularly the part of the brain which I call our mental immune system,” Nehls explains, “which is the very, very important part that makes us human … which allows us to think, which allows us to be curious, which allows us to explore the world and, develop a culture, everything.”
He concludes: “So the spike protein essentially attacked humankind, the very basis of humans.”
How did these spike proteins become capable of attacking the brain directly?
“They changed the SARS-CoV-1 into SARS-CoV-2 by including this furin cleavage site into the genome of the spike protein.”
Nehls demonstrates that this was deliberate. He supplies the reasons why this was done, and also shows how the remedies of vitamin D and lithium – which with exercise can reverse the damage – have been suppressed and discredited by the World Health Organization and in leading medical journals.

How to reprogram humanity
Nehls has a strong background in Alzheimer’s research, documented on his own website. It is this which led him to the understanding of brain inflammation and the suppression of neurogenesis – the natural regeneration of brain cells – which takes place in the area known as the hippocampus. This is how new memories are created, how people learn, and is at the root of what makes people individual in thought and belief. It is the seat of human identity, and it is, according to him, the target of a war on human agency itself.
He says that the action of the spike proteins from both the virus and the “vaccines” in the brain shut down the generation of memories in the same way as seen with Alzheimer’s.
Citing a paper that showed up to 4 percent of mRNA from “vaccines” enter the brain, Nehls explains why this leads to mass-mind control.
So if you really want to transform a brain – it’s a two-step process. First you block the neurogenesis the production of new nerve cells in the hippocampus.
With the brain inhibited, it is ready for programming.
Then you come up with the stories you want to install.
Nehls stresses the significance of attaching emotion to implanted narratives, which explains why the news constantly supplies new things to fear.
But since they have to come with an emotion, they you can’t come up with the same story every day. You have to change the story day by day. You have to come up with new stories with the same intent.
He cites stories of social breakdown, mass migration and its impact, the threat of nuclear war, and the “climate crisis” as examples.
“All these stories come up day by day,” he says, pointing out that crisis is a central theme of the World Economic Forum, and of the governments who are following its agenda.
The World Economic Forum has a program that they bring out every January – they talk about ‘perma-crisis.’
He says the WEF has “hundreds of points” on which they may “start the next crisis.”
Why does this matter? Nehls says “your personal history is overwritten by these fearmongering stories.”

A plan in action
Nehls says that this was all “well-planned” – even the “new rules” which governments such as his in Germany “changed every day.”
He says this gave an impression that governments did not know what they were doing. Yet he says “if you look at the hippocampus – the functioning of autobiographical memory – this changing of rules was part of the plan.”
“Changing rules everyday means you have to memorize new rules. And they overwrite your memory center,” he says. “This is all about installing a new operating system” – an “evil social operating system (SOS)” partnered with the reprogramming of humanity itself.
Nehls says that in the past, it was possible to look over the “fence,” even from the worst regimes, to see whether “the grass was greener on the other side.”
With a global program, the aim is to remove any alternative – both in reality, and in imagination.
“You have to create a situation where there is no refuge,” Nehls says, speaking of the global scope of the plan. “If everybody is attacked, there is no border. There is nowhere you can go.”
The only barrier left in this war without borders is that preserved by your mind.
This is the reason that the battlespace is indeed the brain, as was announced by Dr. James Giordano in his 2018 video presentation to the Modern War Institute at West Point.
Nehls points out the need to erase memory – the memory of a time before – to capture both humanity and its future.
Once you start overwriting the past, there is no border in the brain anymore.
Despite the darkness of his discoveries, and the lateness of the hour, Nehls points out that the battle is not over, and also how it can be won.

A message of hope
Nehls concludes what could prove to be the most important story in the history of the modern world with a message of hope.
“This is reversible,” he states.
He says that the process of control can be reversed in the individual and in mass society. For those already damaged by the spike proteins, he says vitamin D, exercise – and in severe cases treatment with lithium can restore brain function.
(For those who are interested, there is more information on how to clear the body of spike proteins at the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance website here. There are also plenty of other resources provided by the Wellness Company.)
He closes his book with “a chapter of hope,” saying “we can change, we can empower ourselves again.”
Describing the elites as “people [who] have some kind of a god-like self esteem,” he says he is convinced that they “really believe that they are doing the right thing, in their worldview … that we have to eradicate humankind to save humankind.”
Nehls reaches an encouraging conclusion:
But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what these people think.
He says it is we who are growing in power, we who hold the truth against the darkness.
It’s more important what the reader is thinking, what we all are thinking, because we are the majority.
He says that a growing resistance to this agenda can capture an absolute majority of opinion.
At the moment, about 20 percent, I guess, or maybe even 25 to 30 percent of the people worldwide realize [this agenda].
If each can convince just one person, he maintains, “then we are 50 to 60 percent.”
His message is that the knowledge of this conspiracy against mankind is a weapon which you can use to fight this diabolical design for life.
If the mass is 50 to 60 percent of people, we can convince those who do not know and do not want to know that there’s a majority of people who want a humane future for our children.
Nehls remains convinced “we all will prevail. I’m 100 percent sure.”

'Great mental reset': Was COVID engineered to wage war on the human mind? - LifeSite
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‘Great mental reset’: Was COVID engineered to wage war on the human mind?
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, doctor and scientist Michael Nehls claimed that both the COVID virus and vaccines were engineered to reduce humanity to a permanent 'zombie mode,' ruled by a world government of AI algorithms.
'Great mental reset': Was COVID engineered to wage war on the human mind? - LifeSiteMore
‘Great mental reset’: Was COVID engineered to wage war on the human mind?

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, doctor and scientist Michael Nehls claimed that both the COVID virus and vaccines were engineered to reduce humanity to a permanent 'zombie mode,' ruled by a world government of AI algorithms.
'Great mental reset': Was COVID engineered to wage war on the human mind? - LifeSite