‘Great mental reset’: Was COVID engineered to wage war on the human mind?

LifeSiteNews, by: Frank Wright In an interview with Tucker Carlson published April 1, German doctor and scientist Michael Nehls produced an explanation for COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines which will …More
LifeSiteNews, by: Frank Wright
In an interview with Tucker Carlson published April 1, German doctor and scientist Michael Nehls produced an explanation for COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines which will shock the world.
A free preview on X covers the main points which are explored in a full-length paywalled video on Carlson’s website.
Why did the medical establishment push the Covid vax on the world even when they knew it didn’t work? Dr. Michael Nehls says it wasn’t about money. It was about conquering the human mind.
In the interview, Nehls says both the virus and the vaccines have been engineered to render humans incapable of thought, memory, and resistance to fear propaganda. The goal is to reduce humanity to a permanent “zombie mode,” ruled by a world government of AI algorithms.
Nehls said of his research: “I realized it’s not about health. It’s not about not even money. It’s about conquering the human mind.”
Nehls’ account is rich with evidence to support these astonishing claims, …
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‘Great mental reset’: Was COVID engineered to wage war on the human mind?
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, doctor and scientist Michael Nehls claimed that both the COVID virus and vaccines were engineered to reduce humanity to a permanent 'zombie mode,' ruled by a world government of AI algorithms.
'Great mental reset': Was COVID engineered to wage war on the human mind? - LifeSiteMore
‘Great mental reset’: Was COVID engineered to wage war on the human mind?

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, doctor and scientist Michael Nehls claimed that both the COVID virus and vaccines were engineered to reduce humanity to a permanent 'zombie mode,' ruled by a world government of AI algorithms.
'Great mental reset': Was COVID engineered to wage war on the human mind? - LifeSite