There Is A Climate of Vengeance and Retaliation in the Church. Confessor Archbishop Luigi Negri, a signatory of the Kazakhstan declaration against Amoris Laetitia, said in a recent interview that the …More
There Is A Climate of Vengeance and Retaliation in the Church.

Confessor Archbishop Luigi Negri, a signatory of the Kazakhstan declaration against Amoris Laetitia, said in a recent interview that the bishops are intimidated to speak out. Quote, "In the Church one breathes and feels a bad climate of vengeance and retaliation against those who dare to ask questions.” For Negri this is very far away from the much-proclaimed frank dialogue or from that mercy that is invoked in full voice.

During a debate with Ross Douthat on the campus of Fordham University the Francis apologist Massimo Faggioli showed his deep ignorance of Church reality. To defend the position that remarried persons should receive communion, Faggioli invoked the case of Germany, where 50 percent of Catholic marriages end in divorce. For him, this implies that 50 percent of German Catholic children never see their parents receive communion, losing their faith because of it. In reality the contrary is true. The German bishops have for decades pushed adulterers into receiving Communion. Everybody goes to Communion in Germany. That’s the end of Faggioli’s absurd theory.

The courageous administration of Verona, Italy, is strongly opposing gay pseudo-marriage which homosexualists aimed at promoting during last weekend in the city. The administration said already very clearly in its election program – quote: “Family is between a man and a woman, other families do not exist.” Verona is the city of Romeo and Juliet.

Lupo Glori asks on Corrispondenza Romana whether Pope Francis is opening the doors for a gay theology. The reason: Francis invited the Portuguese priest José Tolentino de Mendonça to preach the Lenten retreat to the Roman Curia. Tolentino is a big fan of the Spanish Sister Maria Teresa Forcades who is promoting a – quote – “queer theology”. Tolentino wrote a flattering and deeply heterodox introduction for the Portuguese edition of Forcadas' books about “feminist theology”.
Católicos Apostólicos
Bergoglio eligió a un sacerdote pro-gay para guiar el retiro de la Cuaresma que sostiene que Jesús no “estableció reglas” Gloria TV Noticias: Lupo Glori pregunta a Corrispondenza Romana si el Papa Francisco está abriendo las puertas a una teología gay. La razón: Francisco invitó al sacerdote portugués José Tolentino de Mendonça a predicar el retiro Cuaresmal a la Curia Romana. Tolentino es un …More
Bergoglio eligió a un sacerdote pro-gay para guiar el retiro de la Cuaresma que sostiene que Jesús no “estableció reglas” Gloria TV Noticias: Lupo Glori pregunta a Corrispondenza Romana si el Papa Francisco está abriendo las puertas a una teología gay. La razón: Francisco invitó al sacerdote portugués José Tolentino de Mendonça a predicar el retiro Cuaresmal a la Curia Romana. Tolentino es un gran admirador de la monja española María Teresa Forcades, quien promueve la "teología queer(gay)". Tolentino escribió una introducción halagadora y profundamente heterodoxa para la edición portuguesa de los libros de Forcades sobre "teología feminista".