Francesco I
Remove Fr. Martin from Vatican. Urge Pope Francis to remove Fr. James Martin as a Vatican adviser. Sign the petition! WASHINGTON, D.C., September 12, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – A faithful Catholic lay …More
Remove Fr. Martin from Vatican.
Urge Pope Francis to remove Fr. James Martin as a Vatican adviser. Sign the petition!
WASHINGTON, D.C., September 12, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – A faithful Catholic lay apostolate was suspended by Twitter last week after Vatican adviser Father James Martin complained about a tweet that teasingly stated the pro-gay Jesuit had been bested in a theological debate on the social media platform.
Father Martin claims that a Catholic Vote tweet urged violence against him and reported CV to Twitter, resulting in the group’s suspension.
"Enough,” the Jesuit tweeted. “When you urge violence against me, even in a supposedly joking way, you cross the line. You’ve been reported to Twitter. Enough.”
The now-deleted tweet to which he was replying said, “And then this Dominican showed up and started beating @JamesMartinSJ like a rented mule. The crowd went wild.”
Father Martin did not respond to LifeSiteNews’ inquiry about his perception of the tweet or specifics of how additional …More
Remove him from the priesthood