Gloria.TV News on the 11th of November 2014 A Voice of Truth Silenced By the Pope: Over 15,000 people have already signed a petition launched by lifesitenews.com to thank Cardinal Raymond Burke for …More
Gloria.TV News on the 11th of November 2014

A Voice of Truth Silenced By the Pope: Over 15,000 people have already signed a petition launched by lifesitenews.com to thank Cardinal Raymond Burke for his service for the Church. The text says among others: “I, and countless fellow Catholics and pro-life and pro-family advocates, will miss your voice and presence at the Vatican.” And: “You, Cardinal, have inspired me to stand up for the truth in charity despite all costs. I pledge myself to be a voice like yours - a voice of truth in season and out of season.”

Brutal Dismissal: The recent purge in the Vatican directed against the Catholic wing is not limited to Cardinal Raymond Burke. Last Friday, the two under-secretaries of the Congregation for Divine Worship, Father Juan Miguel Ferrer Grenesche and Father Antony Ward were also eliminated. Both were considered Ratzingerians. Their dismissal, coming completely out of the blue, astonished even the liberal wing in the Vatican.

The Liberals Take Over: The place of the two sacked under secretaries was taken over by the former chief of office, Father Corrado Maggioni. He is considered a liberal and a close friend of archbishop Piero Marini, who was responsible for the festival type liturgies of John Paul II and who was replaced by Benedict XVI. In the past, Pope Francis removed the secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy, Bishop Celso Morga Iruzubieta, and Father Alberto González Chaves of the Congregation for Bishops. Both were considered Ratzingerians.

What Is Wrong With Claiming Diplomatic Immunity? The British paper Daily Mail has published an angry attack on archbishop Paul Gallagher who was appointed by Pope Francis as the Vatican’s new Secretary for Relations with States. The paper insinuates that Gallagher claimed diplomatic immunity in order to avoid handing documents to abuse investigators in Australia. The truth is that Gallagher objected to an illegal request of Australian prosecutors who tried to violate the diplomatic status of the nunciature in Canberra.
Soon you'll enjoy having communion with a couple of transvestites. I'll continue to say this, RESIST THIS ANTIPOPE all of you out there,
Sorry, this really is propaganda and makes me sick...
why dont we pray for our unworthys soul...we are having communion with worse than couple of transvestites...we are having communion with people who only go to confession for,,it is compulsory on easter time" …More
Soon you'll enjoy having communion with a couple of transvestites. I'll continue to say this, RESIST THIS ANTIPOPE all of you out there,

Sorry, this really is propaganda and makes me sick...
why dont we pray for our unworthys soul...we are having communion with worse than couple of transvestites...we are having communion with people who only go to confession for,,it is compulsory on easter time" ONCE A YEAR we dont judge them right???Its their sin , having lent or advent mixed up with cleaning and shopping and inbetween pop in the church and have an hour waiting in long que for confession, just to have it all,,traditional"
...and church for long time ordered you to receive like that..even if you are not practising petinence...you simply SHOULD...
Thats worst sacrilege

Evil..isnt big or small I know it is simply evil..No difference..

and the way I see it is probably you point out on Francis ,,mercy" on divorced and remarried{popes sister one of them he is familiar with it I suppose}your judgment is so close to mine on eastern unworthy confession...I believe we are on the same boat here...

WE are all sinners and need REPENT

those news actually describe Pope Francis as dictator who dismiss faithfull bishops out of blue...no little loopwhole for work of Holy Spirit here???

Remember Benedict XVI giving communion in hand..then he converted...
what huge CHANGE was when he read a book from bishop Athanasius Schneider,, Corpus Christi ", giving communion in mouth and kneeling..

he was/is actually Luthers admirer..and he knew satanist crawl around Vatican and done nothing acording to some enemies of church Benedict was to blame for this....but I didnt say that, it really makes me angry...just like gloria tv news pointing on Francis WRONGS, not letting Gods will tiny little space there...its all about mens decision here right???...isnt God the rightesness that changes sinners...doesnt He use faults of popes to absolutely miraculous way to BUILD not to break???Arent those event in slow process just for church benefits???

tradition and truth is been called a WALL and OLD structures we don't need Francis said... so people who don't know their faiths well will enjoy this destroyer.
and geting rid of old old structure well...we all know John Paul started with that...while ideas were from his right hand Ratzinger...you search for faults you find them on every pope...the only things that matters is do you BELIEVE..
Do you believe in HOLY catholic church..

I must admit I didnt for long time now I do...pray for good intention,leave it up to our precious Lord God...for we dont know His thoughts

I dont know if itsn Eastern paganism holiday when someones from non practising catholics gets touch of ,,unworthy' received Eucharist...and that will be start of his conversion...so how do you know transvestite wont have a tiny sparkle of Jesus Body to burn his sins and wash the guilt, then inflame him like CLEANSING FIRE..
Isaiah 55:8
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,"

I know you fight for truth...but if you go against head of church , calling pope destroyer..it could be your good intention to,,save church" worrying someone might destroy it...
but it also can be a sign of your sin of not respecting authority...thats as bad as heresy...
and we all fall sometimes..so lets pray really for gift we have faith and dont separate from the truth: Living Jesus body,bleeding for us...wanting to wash us all and save usALL..Burke supporters, traditionials, Ratzingerian ,Protestants,sedavacantists, remarried or transvestites.
Apparently there are people that are idolaters, deaf and blind at the same time.
Good for you! enjoy your pope is what you deserve! Soon you'll enjoy having communion with a couple of transvestites. I'll continue to say this, RESIST THIS ANTIPOPE all of you out there, tradition and truth is been called a WALL and OLD structures we don't need Francis said... so people who don't know their faiths well will enjoy this destroyer.
Do not pray for his intentions everybody, pray for …More
Good for you! enjoy your pope is what you deserve! Soon you'll enjoy having communion with a couple of transvestites. I'll continue to say this, RESIST THIS ANTIPOPE all of you out there, tradition and truth is been called a WALL and OLD structures we don't need Francis said... so people who don't know their faiths well will enjoy this destroyer.

Do not pray for his intentions everybody, pray for his soul!!

Me? I have a pope even if he doesn't want to be my pope, Benedict.... You? Enjoy your "merciful" antipope.

Dont worry if you pray for bad intention, God wont listen to you, Unworthy.
God knows best what Church needs, before we asked He gave us Pope we need.
We need to remain faithful to the one true faith, knowing that resisting a wolf in sheep clothing it's catholic... we need to pray for the Soul of Francis NOT his intentions.
Most people all over the world pray for the intentions for the pope and despite being a good thing for your soul as faithful Catholics to do so, in this case is not good, this is why we must resist this pope.
Imagine you …More
We need to remain faithful to the one true faith, knowing that resisting a wolf in sheep clothing it's catholic... we need to pray for the Soul of Francis NOT his intentions.

Most people all over the world pray for the intentions for the pope and despite being a good thing for your soul as faithful Catholics to do so, in this case is not good, this is why we must resist this pope.

Imagine you praying for his intentions and one of his intentions (and there is plenty of evidence showing that) is, to give communion to the divorce and remarried like he did in Argentina with the curas villeros (and which he never has denied), to include gays to the ongoing life of the Church like the original relatio said without "interfering" (in other words not denouncing sin and preach conversion) in their spirituality like he said in his autobiography (on heaven and earth), relegating the law of God because "they build walls not bridges" he said, or in this case exiling good, important and faithful men of God away... if you pray for his intentions you are praying for those bad fruits there... true, popes are man which make mistakes, but his bad fruits are countless at this point and people are confused... like it was foretold.

God bless Cardinal Burke and if he decides to pull a Benedict XVI move by not saying or defending against error, still... God bless him, he did what nobody has... most priests are staying silent, so he did awesome, and still there is a lot of confusion, disobedience to popes of the past, but I still believe it'll take this anti-pope to sign on apostasy for people to wake up.

Fiel al Evangelio
It seems that the fashion now is flee for fear of the wolves. And remain silent obeying the chief (alpha) Wolf. 🤨
I hope that Cardinal Burke will not just disappear and leave us like orphans in a Church that is under attack.
janka cpž
Čistky pokračují a liberální křídlo slaví úspěchy. Bez Božího požehnání, marné vaše namáhání.