
Mystery: Priest Found with Throat Cut

Father Santosh Chepathini, 62, was found his throat cut on a railway track in Andhra Pradesh, India, 500 meters away from a railway station (UcaNews.com, December 13).

According to the Khammam vicar general Chepathini was under a “tremendous depression” because he had collected US$95,000 from people to provide for houses, but lost the money when someone cheated him.

Chepathini’s wounds seem not compatible with a suicide.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsSarvpztdop
Jeffrey Ade
Blessed Pauline Jaricot had that same problem when she trusted certain people with the funds she had collected. I am sorry for this priest. It is not easy being a cleric in this day and age! RIP!