Gloria.TV News on the 14th of March 2017 Fatima: Already in May, 2016, the Italian journalist Antonio Socci wrote that the third secret of Fatima was revealed in its integrity, but that there is an …More
Gloria.TV News on the 14th of March 2017

Fatima: Already in May, 2016, the Italian journalist Antonio Socci wrote that the third secret of Fatima was revealed in its integrity, but that there is an additional text also written by Sister Lucia, the seer of Fatima, which Pope John XXIII did not consider to be of supernatural origin and therefore wanted to be kept secret.

Two Popes: The blog Anonimi della Croce claims to have learned a detail of this text. According to the blog it announces a time in the life of the Church when there would be two popes, and which would be marked by confusion and purification. The blog refers to a source inside the Vatican.

A Church in View: In a sermon given in Poland on March 3rd, Bishop Bernard Fellay confirmed that the Fraternity intends to buy a church in Rome. The building the SSPX is interested in belongs to a Community of Sisters and therefore the sale depends on the Congregation for the Religious. This church is not the earlier mentioned church: Santa Maria Immacolata all'Esquilino.

Allies? Bishop Fellay reported comments of Cardinal Muller asking the SSPX to join his fight against the modernists.

Contradiction: Bishop Fellay mentions a paradoxical interest Pope Francis has for the SSPX. Quote, "He sees us with a good disposition while in the same time he is against conservatism. This is like a contradiction. But I have been able to verify several times that he really does things personally for us.”
Thanks for the news.
Dr Bobus
I do not think that the Third Secret only concerns the apostasy in the Church. IMHO, it also refers to disasters in the world, produced by war.
And I do not think that it only refers to Russia. It's significant that the apparitions happened in Fatima, who was the youngest daughter of Mohammed. The rise of Islam in the past 35 years is impossible to ignore.More
I do not think that the Third Secret only concerns the apostasy in the Church. IMHO, it also refers to disasters in the world, produced by war.

And I do not think that it only refers to Russia. It's significant that the apparitions happened in Fatima, who was the youngest daughter of Mohammed. The rise of Islam in the past 35 years is impossible to ignore.
Holy Cannoli
Fatima/Two Popes: Click bait from a blog.
“ROME- Although emeritus Pope Benedict XVI has been largely silent since his resignation, he indirectly stepped out from behind the shadows on Saturday, using a statement from the Vatican Press Office to insist that claims the famed “Third Secret” of Fatima has not been revealed in full “are pure inventions, absolutely untrue.”
“In 1984, Ratzinger said …More
Fatima/Two Popes: Click bait from a blog.

“ROME- Although emeritus Pope Benedict XVI has been largely silent since his resignation, he indirectly stepped out from behind the shadows on Saturday, using a statement from the Vatican Press Office to insist that claims the famed “Third Secret” of Fatima has not been revealed in full “are pure inventions, absolutely untrue.”

“In 1984, Ratzinger said that “if [the Third Secret] is not published … it is to avoid confusing religious prophecy with sensationalism. But the things contained in the Third Secret correspond to what has been announced in Scripture and are confirmed by many other Marian apparitions.”

I'd like to go to Fatima because of its historical significance. Been to Lourdes, someday maybe the Holy Land but forget about Medugoogoo. Not going to these places in search of the miraculous but trying to keep in mind that: faith is the substance of things to be hoped for, the evidence of things that appear not. Hebrews 11:1 (D/R)