
Pope Francis Believes That He Speaks Clearly

Pope Francis remembers in his interview book with Dominique Wolton an old Jesuit who told him, when he was a student, "If you want to make a career, think clearly but speak in an obscure way." Francis …More
Pope Francis remembers in his interview book with Dominique Wolton an old Jesuit who told him, when he was a student, "If you want to make a career, think clearly but speak in an obscure way." Francis believes that in his life, he has done the opposite, "I made an effort to speak clearly."
He even says about himself, "I hate hypocrisy, if I am not able to say something, I do not say it, but I am no hypocrite which is something that upsets me." Nevertheless, Francis did not give a reply to those four cardinals who asked him for clarity concerning the controversial document Amoris Laetitia.
Picture: © Jeffrey Bruno, Aleteia, CC BY-SA, #newsKkfkwdmezv
Because it means what says: in certain undefined circumstances a pastor can discern his way to giving Holy Communion to those who are in an objective state of grave sin without demanding repentence and conversion of life. This is what the infamous footnote means and what liberal clergy understand by it (very recently I have heard some say it). The dubia Cardinals knew it but wanted the Pope to come …More
Because it means what says: in certain undefined circumstances a pastor can discern his way to giving Holy Communion to those who are in an objective state of grave sin without demanding repentence and conversion of life. This is what the infamous footnote means and what liberal clergy understand by it (very recently I have heard some say it). The dubia Cardinals knew it but wanted the Pope to come out and say it or back off from it. He hasn't, obviously, but he left it as it is and applauded those who understood him. The rest of us, the 'pharisees', and narrow minded legalists he ignores. We're not authentic Christians, lack the smell of the sheep etc. One day he will no longer be Pope. Let us pray for his successor.