
Brazil Bishop Goes Pagan

Bishop Sérgio Colombo, 64, of Bragança Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil, participated in a pagan ritual outside he Bom Jesus church in Vila Bela (January 13).

The performance was organized by the diocesan council for "ecumenism."

Colombo practiced so called Candomblé, an Afro-Brazilian religion related to Voodo. At the performance with roses and doves (pictured) demons called Orixás are invoked.

Apart from traditional paganism, Bishop Colombo hates Tradition. In 2012, he expelled an Old Rite male Carmelite community from his diocese.

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P. O'B
John Paul II paved the way for this kind of thing. Read this old article in Novus ordo Watch: Voodoo You Trust? John Paul II’s Betrayal in Benin
He needs to join them full-time and resign. Good ridens
It follows that if the bishop participates in a pagan ritual, he is one.
Pray for him, this moment may torment him for eternity in Hell!!!!