
Does Francis Want Ethics of the Rich? By Father Reto Nay

The webpage of the German Bishops katholisch.de explained on September 20, that Pope Francis dismantled the Family Institute in Rome, in order to turn it into a "think tank for Amoris Laetitia", Francis' document, which, in contradiction to the Gospel, demands Holy Communion for adulterers.

The article is written by chief-editor Thomas Jansen. He argues that Francis punished the Family Institute because its professors criticised Francis' arguments at the last Synod of the Family.

For Jansen it is clear that the orientation of the Institute was "too conservative", by which he means, "too Catholic". He suggests that Francis intends replacing Catholic morals with "situation ethics" that claim to take into account the "particular context of an act", rather than following a universal law judging it according to the truth of the matter.

"Situation ethics" may sound nice, but in reality amounts to an ethical theory of power and wealth. Only the rich have the money to invoke a "context" that will determine "what is ethical and what is not". Through their journalists, they impose their "context" to any moral issue.

Therefore it would be more honest to speak about the ethics of the rich rather than about "situation ethics".

Picture: © Jeffrey Bruno, Aleteia, CC BY-SA, #newsQjuzdxagwu