"After I left that clinic, it was the beginning of my nightmare" “I questioned month-after-month – had nightmares – what happened to this baby’s body?” Laura Mann regrets having an abortion aged 19…More
"After I left that clinic, it was the beginning of my nightmare"
“I questioned month-after-month – had nightmares – what happened to this baby’s body?” Laura Mann regrets having an abortion aged 19 She says she was not well informed by doctors
What a crock. She killed her child. Now she's claiming ignorance? "What happened to my baby's body?" Really? Where was the concern for her baby BEFORE she had it killed?
She knew exactly what she was doing.
She made an awful mistake, committed a heinous sin, that cost the life of her own child. There is forgiveness available and I hope this woman seeks it. But first is required genuine contrition.…More
What a crock. She killed her child. Now she's claiming ignorance? "What happened to my baby's body?" Really? Where was the concern for her baby BEFORE she had it killed?

She knew exactly what she was doing.

She made an awful mistake, committed a heinous sin, that cost the life of her own child. There is forgiveness available and I hope this woman seeks it. But first is required genuine contrition. "I really didn't know what I was doing and wasn't informed" is baloney and is not contrition at all, but in fact a declaration of innocence, a deflection of blame.

Perhaps at this stage it's the only way she has to deal with the shocking reality that she had her own child killed. I hope she moves past that denial of culpability so that she can receive genuine absolution.

This is what the abortion regime is doing not only to innocent babies, but to their mothers.