The Church belongs to Christ and not to his Vicar - Germany led into schism. The five pseudo-synodal impostures of the German “Path” Jose Antonio Ureta (Munich, January 18, 2020) Transcript The “…More
The Church belongs to Christ and not to his Vicar - Germany led into schism.
The five pseudo-synodal impostures of the German “Path”
Jose Antonio Ureta (Munich, January 18, 2020)
The “synodal path” undertaken by the German Bishops’ Conference departs radically from the traditional synod model,' and if not stopped in time, will lead to a schism. Indeed, the said “synodal path” is based on five impostures:
The goals of a regular diocesan synod being purely pastoral and disciplinary, questions of faith, and disciplinary questions beyond the diocesan level are outside of its competence.’ The four forums created to prepare for the event (power in the Church; priestly celibacy; sexual morality; and women’s access to ministries) address exclusively address the above mentioned two types of prohibited questions. Furthermore, the propositions put forward in these four matters are, for the most part, heretical, while the alleged pretext — to listen to what the …More
Thors Catholic Hammer
Mr. Urreta.
Just to let you know and correct your mistake.
The excommunicated Bergoglio is not the Vicar of Christ.
You and many others labor under this delusion.
It is time to wake up.More
Mr. Urreta.
Just to let you know and correct your mistake.
The excommunicated Bergoglio is not the Vicar of Christ.

You and many others labor under this delusion.
It is time to wake up.
Mr. Urreta: Question--False Pope Bergoglio says there is no Hell.
Mr. Urreta: "No comment."
Mr. Voris, unlike the fops at the Stand There Synod of Munich, is moving toward the truth.
He just published Socci, who said whatever the lies from the Vatican, we the Catholic people have every right to question whether Benedict is still the one true Pope. Thanks, Michael!More

Mr. Urreta: Question--False Pope Bergoglio says there is no Hell.

Mr. Urreta: "No comment."

Mr. Voris, unlike the fops at the Stand There Synod of Munich, is moving toward the truth.

He just published Socci, who said whatever the lies from the Vatican, we the Catholic people have every right to question whether Benedict is still the one true Pope. Thanks, Michael!
"Cardinal Marx and his cronies are completely mistaken: Even if Pope Francis approves the recommendations of the German “synodal path,” the living and dynamic elements of the Catholic Church in Germany and all true Catholics around the world will not be fooled by their moves and will manage to remain faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church."
Ureta was the first at the presser to use the word "schism"
So, does the Vicar of Christ not teach the same as Jesus Christ? Either he is the Vicar of Christ, or he is not.
Thors Catholic Hammer
The excommunicated Bergoglio is not the Vicar of Christ.
Quite simple really.
Ureta praying in Munich
That's not prayer. The Rosary is a sacramental, not an Agit-Prop.