holyrope 3
Nigeria (2-2-12) Real Catholic TV: Michael Voris: While Catholics in the West fight the scourge of modernism...Christians in Third World countries like Nigeria are enduring the threat of death for …More
Nigeria (2-2-12)
Real Catholic TV: Michael Voris: While Catholics in the West fight the scourge of modernism...Christians in Third World countries like Nigeria are enduring the threat of death for living the faith.
holyrope 3
soundingjoy...Peace with you and family! Mother Mary, help of the sick, pray for us. She will never abandon anyone.
holyrope 3
Thank you Michael, and thanks be to God that we have someone like you defending, spreading the faith, while at the same time exposing the forces that surround us daily always at work to destroy God's Church and her teaching. Be safe and enjoy your stay...I will keep you and your mission in my prayers. May we all join forces in whatever it may take to defend and never to compromise the Truth.
Pray for the faithful as they endure suffering for our Lord. Thank you Holyrope3 for this most needful post. Bless you in Christ. 🤗
holyrope 3
😇 Real Catholic TV: Michael Voris: While Catholics in the West fight the scourge of modernism...Christians in Third World Countries like Nigeria are enduring the threat of death for living the faith.