Quo Primum
Hell is eternal. St Alphonsus matter mostly. Good article below... Essay XXXII Contents Essay XXXIV ESSAY XXXIII ETERNAL PUNISHMENT by Rev. J. P. Arendzen, D.D., Ph.D., M.A. I. INTRODUCTORY 1. PunishmentMore
Hell is eternal.
St Alphonsus matter mostly.
Good article below...
ETERNAL PUNISHMENT by Rev. J. P. Arendzen, D.D., Ph.D., M.A. I. INTRODUCTORY 1. Punishment
Punishment is pain justly inflicted in consequence of evil done. It is purely medicinal if its sole purpose is to bring the evil-doer to repentance and to enable him to undo the evil wrought. It is purely retributive or avenging if its purpose is to vindicate and restore the glory and honor of one who has been offended by the evil deed, and thus, to restore the balance of justice by placing the evil-doer in an evil plight on account of the evil done. 2. Retributive punishment Punishments on earth are, or ought to be, chiefly of a mixed character, partly curative, partly retributive. The punishment of hell is purely retributive. It has no medicinal purpose for the sinner undergoing it, though it has also a preventative purpose, by being a deterrent to others. The righteousness of retributive …More
Does hell exist? Clara’s vision of Annette in Hell – TESTIMONYocistec-purgatory.weebly.com/hell-exists.html
Quo Primum
Why We Need Not (and Should Not) Call Paul VI ‘Saint’