
Cardinal Burke Feels Sorry for German Priests

On April 2, Cardinal Raymond Burke published an emotional message to the Catholic priests in Germany who have not defected to the Synod sect.

He writes that he can only imagine "your profound sadness" at the positions adopted by the German Synod, "including the great majority of the [state] bishops." Burke notes that these positions are "directly opposed" to the constant teaching of the Church.

While the bishops “betray the Apostolic Tradition”, faithful bishops, priests, consecrated persons, and lay faithful will necessarily "suffer greatly" for their fidelity to the Faith.

Picture: © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsOxaxinxqat

Jan Kanty Lipski
Sally Dorman shares this
Cdl Burke to faithful German priests: "At times such as these, when even those who are Bishops betray the Apostolic Tradition, faithful Bishops, priests, consecrated persons, and lay faithful will necessarily suffer greatly precisely because of their fidelity."
Are there any left there?
Ivan Tomas
"position adopted",... well, speaking about cautious declaration.
But your excellency, you said plainly that Fsspx are schismatics, no?!
What "position" they have "adopted" then?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If Burke said the SSPX are schismatics, then he revealed his true colors as a Vatican II loving papolatrist, who just celebrates the Roman Mass so he can put on a show. He probably has as much devotion to the Roman Rite as Pope Francis. Burke is of the type that if heretic Francis were to order him to "JUMP!!", Burke would answer "How high, Most Holy Father, How High ??" 🤪
Thank you, both Ivan Tomas and Kenjiro Yoshimori for your wise recognition of the truth about the closet-Conciliarist, Cardinal Raymond Burke. If there was a sincere bone in his body (and others like him) he would immediately abandon Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Mass and return to the true teachings of the Catholic Church. But sadly, he and the other bishops care more about their sinecure than the …More
Thank you, both Ivan Tomas and Kenjiro Yoshimori for your wise recognition of the truth about the closet-Conciliarist, Cardinal Raymond Burke. If there was a sincere bone in his body (and others like him) he would immediately abandon Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Mass and return to the true teachings of the Catholic Church. But sadly, he and the other bishops care more about their sinecure than the flock they were given to lead to salvation.

The Church and the secular world in which we live are both collapsing before our very eyes. And while stopping any of this seems virtually impossible, it would all come to an end almost overnight if the majority of the bishops of the Catholic Church would simply walk away from the diabolically-inspired Conciliar religion and returned to the true Catholic faith.

A day will come when all will realize that the Second Vatican Council was inspired by Satan, not the Holy Ghost. Unfortunately, however, for most it will only be when they stand before Jesus Christ and face their Immediate Judgment.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope they do abolish it. After all, I read only about 2% of the Protestants attend their Lutheral/Evangelical services, and not much better total of Catholics....perhaps 10%. But where the traditional Latin Roman Mass is, that is where the Catholics of Germany attend, and the few traditional Orders in Germany, including the SSPX are the only ones growing....or at least stable.