Increase of religious persecution in the world. Religious persecution is increasing in the world according to the report of "Aid to the Church in Need (AIN)" presented recently in Rome with simultaneous …More
Increase of religious persecution in the world.
Religious persecution is increasing in the world according to the report of "Aid to the Church in Need (AIN)" presented recently in Rome with simultaneous presentations in Paris, Berlin and Madrid.
This is the ninth edition of the study done by this Church association under papal jurisdiction, which has great international significance and on this occasion is available in 7 language editions.
Secretary General of the organization, Pierre-Marie Morel, explains the intention of this report:
"This report is very important for us to realize that man himself is a spiritual being, therefore, religious freedom is part of his fundamental freedoms. Similarly, it is important that the whole world know the status of certain countries regarding religious freedom, so that the Church, an expert in humanity, can also give Her opinion."
The primary cause of "Aid to the Church in Need" is to work against religious persecution in the world, as illustrated …More
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Aid to Church in Need

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