Pierre Henri
Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson The Biden administration is openly threatening Americans over Ukraine. In a classified briefing in the House yesterday, defense secretary Lloyd Austin informed members …More
Tucker Carlson
The Biden administration is openly threatening Americans over Ukraine. In a classified briefing in the House yesterday, defense secretary Lloyd Austin informed members that if they don’t appropriate more money for Zelensky, “we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia.” Pay the oligarchs or we’ll kill your kids.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The USA could not make a more misguided decision than to send USA troops to fight Russia on behalf of Ukraine. The American people don't want that, and don't care about Ukraine. Nor would they want USA troops fighting for Israel, or Taiwan.
The only justification for USA troops to be engaged in battles is if we are directly threatened on our own territory.
Remember Nikita Khruschev putting nuceal …More
The USA could not make a more misguided decision than to send USA troops to fight Russia on behalf of Ukraine. The American people don't want that, and don't care about Ukraine. Nor would they want USA troops fighting for Israel, or Taiwan.
The only justification for USA troops to be engaged in battles is if we are directly threatened on our own territory.
Remember Nikita Khruschev putting nuceal weapons in Cuba in 1962, and Kennedy's brave response causing Khruschev to back down? A situation like that, when we are directly threatened in justified to go to war if attached. But Ukraine,Israel,Taiwan? Let them fight for themselves...or not.
Bonnie Louise
Dumb and Dumber pose for a photo op.
Zalinski dresses like Fidel Castro, lol. Is he a wanna be dictator?
John A Cassani
I think the case could be made that he is a dictator, no? He banned opposition parties, and has put off elections.