
Mercy Pope Invents New Sin - Who Commits It Is a "Nazi"

Francis wants to create an “ecological sin against our common home” and announced its introduction into the Catechism. Speaking to the Association of Penal Law (November 15), Francis said the Amazon …More
Francis wants to create an “ecological sin against our common home” and announced its introduction into the Catechism.
Speaking to the Association of Penal Law (November 15), Francis said the Amazon Synod proposed to define this ecological sin as action or omission against God, community, environment and future generations manifested in acts of pollution and destruction.
Francis claimed that today actions reappear that are “typical of Nazism that persecuted Jews, gypsies and homosexuals” and represented “a culture of waste and hatred.” Homosexuality is still illegal in many countries.
Interestingly, Francis did not mention Communism. Another detail: Francis was more than an hour late making the lawyers wait (video below).
Arthur McGowan
Bishop Schneider's book arrived in the mail. I don't think I'll be able to work up enough interest to read it. I'm sick of Burke, Sarah, and Schneider twisting themselves into pretzels, proving how "respectful" they can be to antipope Bergoglio.