Gloria.TV News on the 12th of January 2015 The Vatican Has Killed Another Catholic Bishop: The diocese of Albenga-Imperia, Italy, which has a Catholic bishop, Monsignor Mario Oliveri, and many seminarians …More
Gloria.TV News on the 12th of January 2015
The Vatican Has Killed Another Catholic Bishop: The diocese of Albenga-Imperia, Italy, which has a Catholic bishop, Monsignor Mario Oliveri, and many seminarians has been normalized by the Vatican. On Saturday bishop Guglielmo Borghetti of Pitigliano-Orbetello-Soavana was appointed as Coadjutor bishop who has the right to succeed the present bishop. This is a big blow for Monsignor Oliveri. Because of his Catholic stands, he has regularly been villainised by the media and by leftwing ecclesiastical circles. Until now Albenga-Imperia has been a place of refuge for seminarians who where looking for a truly Catholic diocese and a truly Catholic bishop.
“Culture of Discarding”: The Italian daily La Stampa has published an interview, which Pope Francis gave in October for a book about his social teaching. The Pope strongly criticizes capitalism as a “culture of discarding” which – quote – “leads to reject children also with abortion”. In the context …More
I think you'll find that while some blogs have gone ballistic about the so called scandal of Pope Francis' election - the author himself, Austen Ivereigh has cleared up any confusion about any wrongdoing. You can read it here:www.abc.net.au/…/4158763.htm
@Gloria.TV News - this should be enough to clear up the story you posted about the so called team bergolio story last monthMore
I think you'll find that while some blogs have gone ballistic about the so called scandal of Pope Francis' election - the author himself, Austen Ivereigh has cleared up any confusion about any wrongdoing. You can read it here:www.abc.net.au/…/4158763.htm

@Gloria.TV News - this should be enough to clear up the story you posted about the so called team bergolio story last month