How to Heal Homosexual Attractions. How to Heal Homosexual Attractions CatholicCulture.org published an important article on how to heal homosexual attractions by the Pennsylvania psychiatrist Dr …More
How to Heal Homosexual Attractions.
How to Heal Homosexual Attractions
CatholicCulture.org published an important article on how to heal homosexual attractions by the Pennsylvania psychiatrist Dr Richard Fitzgibbons who has treated several hundred patients. He employs psychotherapy to identify the origins of their conflicts, the use of forgiveness and Catholic Faith. When forgiveness and Catholic spirituality are essential parts of the treatment, the recovery rate approaches 100% in those truly committed to the process.
The Most Common Conflicts
The most common conflicts predisposing individuals to homosexual attractions are loneliness and sadness, mistrust and fear, profound feelings of inadequacy and a lack of self-acceptance, narcissism, excessive anger, sexual abuse in childhood and a lack of balance in one’s life coupled with overwhelming feelings of responsibility. In an attempt to escape from this unconscious emotional pain, strong sexual temptations and behavior can occur.
The …More
This is all very shrinky and out of character. Here are the real reasons for homosexuality:
1- Loss of Faith and General Apostasy.
2- The fact of always talking about it, so that it has become banal and even normal.
We would do well to listen to St. Paul on these things, for he tells us that on this ground, the best thing to do is to keep quiet. But today we are doing the opposite. So there is no …More
This is all very shrinky and out of character. Here are the real reasons for homosexuality:

1- Loss of Faith and General Apostasy.
2- The fact of always talking about it, so that it has become banal and even normal.

We would do well to listen to St. Paul on these things, for he tells us that on this ground, the best thing to do is to keep quiet. But today we are doing the opposite. So there is no reason to be surprised.

Conclusion: the less we talk about homosexuality, the fewer homosexuals there will be.

That does not mean that this scourge should not be denounced; but it must be denounced in an appropriate manner.

One last thing: since homosexuality has been legislated in almost all countries, it encourages consumption; the same goes for abortion.
Gesù è con noi
@AJPM 🤫 Council of Trent: Grace is lost by any mortal sin although faith be not lost
Against the crafty genius of certain men also, who ‘by pleasing speeches and good words seduce the hearts of the innocent’ (Rom 16:18),
it must be maintained that the grace of justification, although received, is lost not only by infidelity [can. 27], whereby even faith itself is lost, but also by any other …More
@AJPM 🤫 Council of Trent: Grace is lost by any mortal sin although faith be not lost

Against the crafty genius of certain men also, who ‘by pleasing speeches and good words seduce the hearts of the innocent’ (Rom 16:18),
it must be maintained that the grace of justification, although received, is lost not only by infidelity [can. 27], whereby even faith itself is lost, but also by any other mortal sin, although faith be not lost [can. 28]. (Denzinger-Hünermann 1544. Council of Trent, Session VI, ch. XV, Decree on justification, January 13, 1547)