
Austrian Bishops Work On Official "Blessing" Of Homosexuals

Salzburg Archbishop Franz Lackner, the head of the Austrian Bishops' liturgical commission, tasked the liturgist Father Ewald Volgger to write a “Benediction of Same Sex Partnerships.” Volgger told …More
Salzburg Archbishop Franz Lackner, the head of the Austrian Bishops' liturgical commission, tasked the liturgist Father Ewald Volgger to write a “Benediction of Same Sex Partnerships.”
Volgger told Linz Diocese's Kirchenzeitung.at (April 28) that the Church should make up a formal "blessing" of homosexuals “as soon as possible."
He asked for falsifying the Catechism of the Catholic Church by eliminating the factual statement that homosexuality is intrinsically disordered so that his “official liturgy” for homosexuals would be based on "Church doctrine.”
According to Volgger there is a "considerable number" of bishops who wish to "re-evaluate" [gravely sinful] same-sex partnerships, i.e. drop the biblical teaching.
In Austria, gay weddings in Catholic Churches are commonplace.
Saint Paul explicitly says that the bishops must not "lord it over your faith" (2 Cor 1:24).
False church of apostasy rising -- but, have no fear, the Lord will defeat this evil -- and Our Lady has already crushed the serpent, who has entered into these heretical clerics, with Her Foot!