The Old Rite is Uniquely Religious. Paul VI Acted in an "Illegal," "Unjust," And "Intolerant" Way The idea that the Church could have abolished the Old Latin Mass is absurd. That's what the former …More
The Old Rite is Uniquely Religious.
Paul VI Acted in an "Illegal," "Unjust," And "Intolerant" Way
The idea that the Church could have abolished the Old Latin Mass is absurd. That's what the former president of Una Voce International, James Bogle, told Gloria.tv. After the introduction of the New Mass by Paul VI in 1970, many thought mistakenly that the Traditional Rite had been banned. In contrast, Benedict XVI, in his Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum", stated that this rite was - quote - "never abolished". In retrospect, Bogle calls the de facto suppression of the Old Mass from 1970 to 2007 "illegal", "unjust", "uncharitable" and "intolerant."
Paul VI committed spiritual suicide
Bogle underlines that the Ancient Roman rite is the oldest among the nearly two dozen rites of the Church. The Roman Rite goes back to the Apostles and has its roots in the liturgy of the Jerusalem Temple. Quote: "To abolish this rite would be an act of cultural and spiritual suicide."
Paul VI was a cultural …More
Holy Cannoli
Bogie appears to be a knowledgeable man but the problem in the Catholic Church is not as simple and goes much deeper than the ‘old’ vs ‘new’ mass. I am sure he knows better but his interview is a case of not seeing the forest for the trees.
Blame the culture, blame the Church’s stance on contraception, blame the priest dancing to “YMCA”— whatever you blame it on, the fact is that the Catholic …More
Bogie appears to be a knowledgeable man but the problem in the Catholic Church is not as simple and goes much deeper than the ‘old’ vs ‘new’ mass. I am sure he knows better but his interview is a case of not seeing the forest for the trees.

Blame the culture, blame the Church’s stance on contraception, blame the priest dancing to “YMCA”— whatever you blame it on, the fact is that the Catholic Church in the United States has declined drastically since the 1960s. According to the Georgetown University’s cara.georgetown.edu/frequently-requ… (CARA), only 22% of baptized Catholics attended mass weekly in 2016, compared to 55% in 1965.

Even seminaries were places of confusion, with seminarians engaging in homosexual actions, mentally-unbalanced, predatory men were admitted to Holy Orders. From 1966 to 1999 the number of seminarians dropped from 39,638 to 4,826. In 1965, there were 180,000 religious sisters/nuns in the United States. As of 2014, there were only 50,000 — a 72% drop in only 50 years.
As of 2012, the average age of a Roman Catholic nun was 74.