
Cardinal Re Elected Dean Of The Cardinals

Francis approved Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re's, 85, election as Dean of the College of Cardinals and Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, 76, as Vice-Dean. Re was expected to be elected because he was the …More
Francis approved Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re's, 85, election as Dean of the College of Cardinals and Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, 76, as Vice-Dean.
Re was expected to be elected because he was the Vice-Dean. He replaces Cardinal Angelo Sodano whom Francis sacked last month.
If the see of Peter becomes vacant in the next five years, the Argentinian Sandri will preside over the conclave, not Re, since Re is no longer an elector.
Picture: Giovanni Re, Leonardo Sandri, © Wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsBjjuemgxqg
"The criterion of truth is not that of journalism,..."
...and today we discover Frà Alexis Bugnolo doesn't understand the difference between journalistic standards and legal ones.
The latter are vitally important if we, as Catholics, seek to emulate Christ's focus on the truth -as opposed to breathlessly repeating sensationalistic gossip
Further, I didn't make any implication about Fr. Hesse's …More
"The criterion of truth is not that of journalism,..."

...and today we discover Frà Alexis Bugnolo doesn't understand the difference between journalistic standards and legal ones.

The latter are vitally important if we, as Catholics, seek to emulate Christ's focus on the truth -as opposed to breathlessly repeating sensationalistic gossip

Further, I didn't make any implication about Fr. Hesse's honesty. I'll gladly give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he's a truthful man who believed everything he said.

He might also believe his relative was truthful as well. For that matter, his relative might even genuinely believe everything they said. However, that does not prove anything the relative said was, in fact, true.

His relative might be rational yet factually incorrect. His relative might be neurotic and prone to delusions. We live in a world filled with thousands of people who genuinely believe they were abducted by extraterrestrials. There are thousands of others who genuinely believe they are extraterrestrials.

Father Hesse wasn't a first-hand witness to the information he's relating. It's second-hand at best. His own personal honesty is no guarantee for his relative's honesty, rationality or accuracy.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Ultraviolent, you sound like an attorney at law who has practiced so long and who has otherwise such a shallow grasp on the history of literature and philosophy, that you actually think that the criteria of a law court is the criteria of truth. I pity you, but I cannot correct you. You would have to read a lot of books to learn otherwise.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Rash judgement is also a sin, if you can remember your childhood catechism.
"that you actually think that the criteria of a law court is the criteria of truth"
Wrong. You're falsely suggesting that by weighing a statement against a legal standard of truth, it provides my only frame of reference for what is true. That's a fallacy of composition.
I certainly have other standards. The Gospels, for one. The teachings of the Church for another.
When it comes to ascertaining …More
"that you actually think that the criteria of a law court is the criteria of truth"

Wrong. You're falsely suggesting that by weighing a statement against a legal standard of truth, it provides my only frame of reference for what is true. That's a fallacy of composition.

I certainly have other standards. The Gospels, for one. The teachings of the Church for another.

When it comes to ascertaining truth, legal standards are higher than the journalistic ones you mistakenly ascribed to me.

Courts of law are, in principle, based on administering justice based on determining the truth through evidence and reason. And seeking the truth is, what we as good Catholics, should be doing.

"Rash judgement is also a sin..."

Ironic criticism coming from a man who's complaining because I didn't immediately take hearsay at face value. .