Mavros Gatos
School video instructs kids to begin masturbating The following video is part of a European school program that works closely with the World Health Organization and United Nations to implement their …More
School video instructs kids
to begin masturbating
he following video is part of a European school program that works closely with the World Health Organization and United Nations to implement their agenda in schools nationwide. It is a real-world example of the execution of these guidelines, in this case, in The Netherlands. The video shows how children are encouraged by teachers to begin masturbating. This video was distributed to many thousands of schools as part of the WHO "comprehensive sexuality education" program, whose objective is that children should start having sex as early as possible.
The publisher of this video, the Rutgers Foundation, operates in 27 nations, is a close partner of the WHO and UN, and is funded by Bill Gates and Planned Parenthood.6
The language spoken in the video is Dutch, but please be aware that this is a real-life example of the execution of an INTERNATIONAL agenda of the World Health Organization and the United Nations, therefore this will be coming …More
If an adult man or woman was sitting on a bench at the mall and began talking to young school age children about self-abuse, they would get arrested but it's ok in school. Perverts!
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But You Oh Lord how long!
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