"Traditional-Apostolic Catholics, Communio Catholics, Concilium Catholics. I still believe both non-traditional factions of Western Catholics are wrong in their approach to somehow defending the devastating changes of the 1960s, and this will have major ramifications for the eternal outcomes on souls."

The Three Divisions of Western Catholicism

I wish there were not divisions in Christianity, but there are. I wish there were not any divisions in Catholicism, but there are. In this article, I’m going …
The Wandering Recluse shares this
"Traditional-Apostolic Catholics, Communio Catholics, Concilium Catholics. I still believe both non-traditional factions of Western Catholics are wrong in their approach to somehow defending the devastating changes of the 1960s, and this will have major ramifications for the eternal outcomes on souls."
Thanks to @Live Mike . Father Nix is spot on, it is just most Trad-Catholics aren't seeing it …More
"Traditional-Apostolic Catholics, Communio Catholics, Concilium Catholics. I still believe both non-traditional factions of Western Catholics are wrong in their approach to somehow defending the devastating changes of the 1960s, and this will have major ramifications for the eternal outcomes on souls."

Thanks to @Live Mike . Father Nix is spot on, it is just most Trad-Catholics aren't seeing it yet. There are groups forming out there and they are intentional, political groups, like Trad-Recovery and websites like Where is Peter founded by Mike Lewis. They are trying to misinform the public and we need to watch what we say,
The Wandering Recluse
If you read my response below, toward the bottom, that covers much of it. I think there are certain people who are activists, intentionally using the divisions in our Church, the backbiting and verbal quarreling to discredit the TLM. I think it's a continuation of Traditionis custodes in a political form. As I mentioned below, all a person needs to do is to watch for the keywords being pushed by …More
If you read my response below, toward the bottom, that covers much of it. I think there are certain people who are activists, intentionally using the divisions in our Church, the backbiting and verbal quarreling to discredit the TLM. I think it's a continuation of Traditionis custodes in a political form. As I mentioned below, all a person needs to do is to watch for the keywords being pushed by the Left in politics. They push the labels such as extremists, radicals, etc., to sway public opinion. The Catholics in the Novus Ordo are misled, they shouldn't be our enemy, but if those who want to destroy the Latin Church, can make us enemies by using our words against us, they get the job done. We're letting them do it by responding in the wrong way to their accusations and even in our criticisms of other Catholics. Although what we see happening can infuriate us, we need to stop brutalizing each other and start winning them over before they get turned against us.
Alex A
There was no such divisions prior to Vatican 2. All called themselves Catholics. Period!
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
When prophecies were written 400 years ago, warning us of the coming Vatican II and its fruit, Jesus clearly expressed His opinion as to what He thought of the Novus Ordo. Who's side are we on?
The Wandering Recluse
@Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus @Alex A Absolutely. If I recall correctly, Our Lady also warned in one of her apparitions to not change the Liturgy. I think we, myself included, need to have more patience with those in the Novus Ordo, sweet talk them even if they swear at us. That and pray, and sooner or later some of them will see the light.
The Wandering Recluse
@Liam Ronan Thank you, my friend! I knew it came from an apparition!!
Credo .
@The Wandering Recluse. ~ Thanks for your comment as well; You make a good point!
The Wandering Recluse
@Denis Efimov You are the prime example of the "Trad" Father Nix is referring to in this article and it ruins it for the rest of us. It's the whole reason we're trying to fight the bad impression being put out against Traditional Catholics and you are playing right into their hands. Calling Catholics and their publications who are going in the wrong direction "disgusting" and "toilet paper" is like …More
@Denis Efimov You are the prime example of the "Trad" Father Nix is referring to in this article and it ruins it for the rest of us. It's the whole reason we're trying to fight the bad impression being put out against Traditional Catholics and you are playing right into their hands. Calling Catholics and their publications who are going in the wrong direction "disgusting" and "toilet paper" is like trying to raise a child correctly by verbally abusing them. We know the truth, but they CAN'T SEE IT.

The whole idea is to bring them over (or back). It is NOT to stand on the spiritual high ground and spew venom at them, it's what these activists want, so they can use it against us in hate groups like "Trad Recovery" and websites like "Where Peter is". Read some of Mike Lewis' article.

Under Pope Francis, there is no clear line between “good” traditionalists and “radical” traditionalists. Contemporary traditionalists seem to think that “radicalism” is a matter of temperament, not belief. In the final episode of the Mass of the Ages trilogy, it was odd to hear English traditionalist Joseph Shaw make light of the problems in the traditionalist movement (“Yeah, we’ve got the odd person who’s who’s deeply unhappy, but let me show you a few of those in the Novus Ordo!”) while seemingly unaware that his own public views contribute significantly to the real problem. We’ve heard from FSSP priests who shamelessly refuse to concelebrate the Chrism Mass with their bishops. This community platforms unabashed conspiracy theorists who are disconnected from reality. They continue to promote popular writers and parish speakers who have publicly and repeatedly insinuated that praying for Pope Francis to die “is indeed to pray for one’s enemies — either that they may be converted and live, or that they may be cut off in their evildoing and, to that extent, spared an increase of punishment.” This is not to mention the racism and antisemitism that runs rampant and unchecked in their ranks.

The Post-Traditionalist’s Journey

Now look at the political "labels" he has in there. Most Catholics don't read in-depth articles about traditional Catholics, they just pick up on political labels like "radicalism, leftist traditionalist ,trad-recovery, racism, antisemitism, extremists" and so on. Wake up my friend.

Whether or not you are aware of it , and I am guessing not, these activist groups are intentional--they are political and they are growing rapidly by misinforming the public and wayward Catholics especially those considering TLM, by using your words You are foolishly playing right in with the USCCB and Francis' whole plan to eliminate TLM.
Denis Efimov
Thank you for your comment! First of all, I want to thank you for the compliment when you called me an example of the “Trad” that Father Nix talks about.
At the same time, it doesn't seem right to attribute to me the comparison of Catholics to toilet paper. This was not in my post and I would never compare Catholics to anything unworthy. Moreover, I did not compare with toilet paper even the …More
Thank you for your comment! First of all, I want to thank you for the compliment when you called me an example of the “Trad” that Father Nix talks about.

At the same time, it doesn't seem right to attribute to me the comparison of Catholics to toilet paper. This was not in my post and I would never compare Catholics to anything unworthy. Moreover, I did not compare with toilet paper even the modernists and liberals who wrote in the two editions under discussion (Communio and Consilium), who can hardly be classified as Catholics, and who, due to their hostility to the Catholic Faith and the Church, deserve even much harsher epithets (which I did not use in this post).

Further, the message of your comment is essentially that “we need to watch what we say.” Well, let me disagree with you. You propose not to give the enemies of the Faith and the Church the opportunity to label us (extremists, radicals, etc.), so that they cannot form a public opinion negative towards us. However, being nice, using politically correct language, and showing tolerance towards the enemies of the Faith and the Church will not lead to victory. They will form public opinion against us in any case, even if we speak to them in the sweetest language. I do not consider radicalism a matter of temperament, but I do consider it a matter of Faith. As Josemaría Escrivá said, holy intransigence is not bigotry. We see what happened when John XXIII declared that the “medicine of mercy” must now be used. This has led to exactly where we are now.

As Father Félix Sardá y Salvany rightly said in his book (and this book was approved by the Congregation of the Index itself): “If the propagation of good and the necessity of combating evil require the employment of terms somewhat harsh against error and its supporters, this usage is certainly not against charity… We must render evil odious and detestable. We cannot attain this result without pointing out the dangers of evil, without showing how and why it is odious, detestable and contemptible. Christian oratory of all ages has ever employed against impiety the most vigorous and emphatic rhetoric in the arsenal of human speech. In the writings of the great athletes of Christianity, the usage of irony, imprecation, execration and of the most crushing epithets is continual”.

And Saint Thomas Aquinas says: “when certain ones, by their perverseness, hinder the salvation of the multitude, the preacher and the teacher should not fear to offend those men, in order that he may insure the salvation of the multitude” (Summa Theologiae, 3, 42, 2).

I don't think you are right in your concerns about our enemies' desire to destroy the Latin Church and the TLM. Of course, they won’t be able to do any of this, although they will be able to marginalize us or even drive us underground. It seems obvious that we need to resist this conciliar sect with all our might and respond to each of their nasty articles in various apostate magazines with ten articles. There is no room for pleasantries, compromises, or even negotiations. Only a total and most severe confrontation with this sect can bring results. However, now, unfortunately, the reality is that, as the Virgin Mary warned in Akita, the Church is full of those who make compromises.

Well, of course, you are right when you talk about the need for prayer. We must pray for the conversion of heretics and schismatics, as well as for the liberation of the Church from the enemies entrenched in its bosom (not excluding Francis, of course).
The Wandering Recluse
@Denis Efimov Thanks for your comment as well. I don't have a lot of time to comment here, but I can sum up what I meant and you can take it or leave it.
Most of what you've written I completely agree with, I didn't say, nor would I ever even imply that we shouldn't tell the truth, even if it is taken as offensive. So I agree, being politically correct or somehow "bending" the truth or watering it …More
@Denis Efimov Thanks for your comment as well. I don't have a lot of time to comment here, but I can sum up what I meant and you can take it or leave it.

Most of what you've written I completely agree with, I didn't say, nor would I ever even imply that we shouldn't tell the truth, even if it is taken as offensive. So I agree, being politically correct or somehow "bending" the truth or watering it down is useless, that isn't what I meant. There is a saying, "If the truth offends. the truth isn't where the problem is." And we live in a world where being offended is promoted.

I was referring to HOW many Catholics, including me at times, get infuriated and present the truth in the wrong way, especially to other Catholics. All one needs to do is read some of the comments on this site, right? Apologists have a rule they work by. It does no good if you tell the truth in such away that the seed you are attempting to plant for the Holy Ghost to water is demeaning or insulting, rude or condescending. The seed immediately falls on ground that will choke it before it even has a chance, regardless of the fact that it is the truth.

The whole idea is to persuade them to see your point by presenting the truth respectfully, not slapping them across the face with arrogance. Too many Catholics think "being nice" means weakness, strictly because someone coined the Novus Ordo as the "church of nice". It's not the same "nice".

I guess I will use your toilet paper example after all. If I approach a Catholic and say, your publication is disgusting and I wouldn't let my kids use it as toilet paper, do you suppose anything I say after that will be heard? Not a chance. So then, what's the point of saying it in the first place? What would I be hoping to gain, a sin of the tongue? Gratification? A feeling of superiority? You think I planted the possibility that they might convert?

And I'm not saying some don't deserve the shotgun treatment, okay? But why would the average NO catholic want to try a traditional Church if they believe it teaches their parishioners to be arrogant and rude? It's just logic.

Secondly, no, they will never destroy the true Church, but giving them ammunition to tear it apart makes no sense at all. Let's stand our ground by presenting the truth, but let's not lose our own soul in the process.

I hope this makes sense. Thanks for your time.
Denis Efimov
I agree with you that harsh language is not always helpful or appropriate. No one is suggesting converting people this way, or spitting on the modernists we meet. The choice of a specific style and language depends on many factors. Here we touched upon the issue of specific things - Communio and Consilium. And regarding these things, I simply expressed my personal opinion, whether anyone likes it …More
I agree with you that harsh language is not always helpful or appropriate. No one is suggesting converting people this way, or spitting on the modernists we meet. The choice of a specific style and language depends on many factors. Here we touched upon the issue of specific things - Communio and Consilium. And regarding these things, I simply expressed my personal opinion, whether anyone likes it or not. If I were to say, “these publications are not adequate to Catholic truth,” that would not be an accurate description of my attitude towards them. If I consider them disgusting garbage, dangerous to people and not worthy of being touched, then I say so. I do not think that this assessment of mine, if read by any wavering mind, will turn him away from the Catholic Tradition. And if we are talking about neophytes in the tradition, then it is better for them to initially know that heretics are heretics, and sodomites are sodomites, and garbage is garbage, than to first read muddy and soft texts and then find out the hard truth.
The Wandering Recluse
@Denis Efimov Fair enough. I can't say I agree with your thinking but you have all the right in the world to express your opinions. I'm glad you did!
Denis Efimov
@The Wandering Recluse
Thank you for your kind words and meaningful conversation.
May the Lord bless you! And may the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us!
Denis Efimov
Leaving traditional Catholicism is not tantamount to removing the Scapular, but is literally an apostasy. As for the publications Consilium and Communio, they are so disgusting, both equally, that I would never allow my children to even just pick them up (well, perhaps I would allow them to be used as toilet paper if there were no paper better).