
Mosebach: Francis' Tyranny Can No Longer Be Enforced

A pope must defend the Church's two-thousand-year-old tradition against the respective present, but Francis refuses; for him orthodoxy is a burden, not a tried and tested guarantee of the Church's survival, German writer Martin Mosebach told Nzz.ch (20 July). He noticed that Francis had given the bishops the right to ban the Mass, but not to allow it. In doing so, Francis had curtailed the bishops' decision-making power: "But his dictatus papae comes too late, because the spirit of tradition can no longer be put back into the bottle. The tradition has grown so much under Benedict XVI that he can no longer enforce its prohibition."


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Jan Joseph
Nee, Paus Franciscus kan de geest van de traditie niet meer tegenhouden. Hoe meer Paus Franciscus tegen de geest van de traditie ingaat, hoe eerder de Paus Zijn Novus Ordo Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk verdwenen is.