Have you seen this yet? The latest Full Production Movie of the Life of Jesus. The Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The story of the Life of Jesus, His birth, life, death and resurrection …More
Have you seen this yet? The latest Full Production Movie of the Life of Jesus.
The Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The story of the Life of Jesus, His birth, life, death and resurrection. How he suffered and died to save You.
I like this version.
When was this made?
Is that Robert Powell? Is that Jim Caviezel? Nope. @Louis IX is right on. Jesus wasn't a pale, "cinnamon ginger", either.
Elpidius . shares this
Roberto 55
Archangel Gabriel said: "Hail Mary full of GRACE"... and protestant version is:" for now has found favour with God" only for "now" and "favour" versus "full of Grace"- God's Grace. This is a key difference!
I am not watching this movie...
I agree Roberto 55. "Hail Full of Grace" is the correct rendering of the Archangel Gabriel at the Annunciation. There is a theological implication by doctoring the Bible's words. If She is NOT Full of Grace, then She is a sinner, hence she wasn't born immaculate.
Always defend the dogma's of Our Lady. It's our duty as her children.More
I agree Roberto 55. "Hail Full of Grace" is the correct rendering of the Archangel Gabriel at the Annunciation. There is a theological implication by doctoring the Bible's words. If She is NOT Full of Grace, then She is a sinner, hence she wasn't born immaculate.

Always defend the dogma's of Our Lady. It's our duty as her children.
Louis IX
Most of these movies turn out to be heretical. One heresy is enough to make a movie unwatchable.