Bergoglio in collusion with Tony Alexis and Justin Trudeau promoted the anti-Catholic hoax. Bergoglio is a master of deception. In him, what one of the great enemies of the Church said during the French …More
Bergoglio in collusion with Tony Alexis and Justin Trudeau promoted the anti-Catholic hoax.
Bergoglio is a master of deception. In him, what one of the great enemies of the Church said during the French Revolution is fulfilled: "He who knows how to flatter also knows how to slander."
"The flatterer is a minister of the devil, doctor of pride, destroyer of repentance, annihilator of virtues, master of error." (Saint John Climacus)
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Bergoglio a participé à un rituel chamanique d'invocation de démons au Canada
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"He who knows how to flatter also knows how to slander."
Joseph Patrick Whittaker shares this
Judas hanged himself with a halter. Arius shat himself to death.
You foolish man. do you not think you will ever see judgement.
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- All flatterers are mercenary, and all low-minded men are flatterers. - Aristotle
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And Jesus said to him: Judas, dost thou betray the Son of man with a kiss?
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Bergoglio is in cahoots with the enemies of Christ to defame the Church and deny the True God.
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“Vale más caer entre las patas de los buitres que entre las manos de los aduladores, porque aquellos sólo causan daño a los difuntos, y estos devoran a los vivos.”
― Antístenes
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Los muertos sepultan también a los muertos cuando los pecadores favorecen a los pecadores; pues quien alaba al que peca, le esconde ya muerto bajo la losa de sus palabras San Gregorio