Joseph Patrick Whittaker

Wraiths, and Ghost Stories

Wraiths, and Ghost Stories I originally published this article January 12th, 2021 on my KoFi blog. With all the bad news lately, I thought it might be a pleasant diversion. The article is part of a …More
Wraiths, and Ghost Stories
I originally published this article January 12th, 2021 on my KoFi blog.
With all the bad news lately, I thought it might be a pleasant diversion. The article is part of a series covering a broad range of topics in the Catholic sphere, focusing on the importance of Matter, Form and Intention in daily life, both in ordinary and extraordinary happenings.
And I ended it with a spooky story of my own.
I hope you enjoy.
God Bless!
Cold be hand and heart and bone, and cold be sleep under stone; never more to wake on stony bed, never, till the Sun fails and the Moon is dead. In the Black Wind the stars shall die, and still on gold here let them lie, till the dark lord lifts up his hand over dead sea and withered land.” (Chant of the barrow-wight, The Lord of the Rings) A long time ago, I went with friends to a part of England called Uffington, to the famous chalk carving there called The White Horse. Many people will tell you, if you haven’t seen it yet, that it …More
Malki Tzedek
A pleasant diversion in the best way because it diverts us away from Sauron.
Joseph Patrick Whittaker shares from Live Mike
My instinct -- the Catholic part, that is -- is to never give up, never stop trying to wake people up to reality of the death cultists who rule over us, and their enablers. And we cannot stop trying …More
My instinct -- the Catholic part, that is -- is to never give up, never stop trying to wake people up to reality of the death cultists who rule over us, and their enablers.
And we cannot stop trying to wake up the inattentive, and show the Way, the Truth and the Life to unbelievers. We must not stop confronting and correcting the apostates and heretics.
Even though, as it was foretold, many will not listen, and turn from evil and death.
Even though many will likely die in the state they are in, we must never stop. Do do so is to despair. To do nothing is to believe the siren shrieks of the evil spirits that the living will envy the dead -- I do not and I will NOT envy the dead.
When He returns we must face God with a clear conscience. No despair, no envy.

"Only when She comes... only then will we be free." - Father Malachi Martin

"Systemically, our society of nations has opted for anti-life — for death. As an explicit principle of its sociopolitical organization and of what we call now "progress". And God declares with almost …More
"Systemically, our society of nations has opted for anti-life — for death.
As an explicit principle of its sociopolitical organization and of what we call now "progress". And God declares with almost brutal frankness, why our present human community as it is, gathering together for a One World Government for the New World Order is not only totally irreconcilable with His goodness and His holiness but is professionally abominable to Him and therefore totally rejected by Him. Cannot have His blessing or His luck. Cannot last in its present course."
"But all of us are caught. We are in a systemic community of nations which is anti-life. Which has elected to be pro-death, as a system and we cannot get out of it. So we are caught up in the demonic energy of the "Great Death Wish". That is precisely the terrain on which we are working."
"Let me ask you en passant not to assume, because sometimes we do blithely assume, that this "Great Death Wish" aims at the death of the body, of millions of …More
Judas hanged himself with a halter. Arius shat himself to death.
Bergoglio in collusion with Tony Alexis and Justin Trudeau promoted the anti-Catholic hoax. Bergoglio is a master of deception. In him, what one of the great enemies of the Church said during the French …More
Bergoglio in collusion with Tony Alexis and Justin Trudeau promoted the anti-Catholic hoax.
Bergoglio is a master of deception. In him, what one of the great enemies of the Church said during the French Revolution is fulfilled: "He who knows how to flatter also knows how to slander."
"The flatterer is a minister of the devil, doctor of pride, destroyer of repentance, annihilator of virtues, master of error." (Saint John Climacus)
You foolish man. do you not think you will ever see judgement.
I love your work Bob.
Pitch Forks At Dawn
Meet the New Boss; Putin Reroutes Critical Hydrocarbons Eastward Leaving Europe High-and-Dry ! - “Rejection of Russian energy resources means that Europe will become the region with the highest energy …More
Meet the New Boss; Putin Reroutes Critical Hydrocarbons Eastward Leaving Europe High-and-Dry !
“Rejection of Russian energy resources means that Europe will become the region with the highest energy costs in the world. This will seriously undermine the competitiveness of European industry which is already losing the competition to companies in other parts of the world…. Our Western colleagues seem to have forgotten the elementary laws of economics, or simply prefer to ignore them.”
On Tuesday, Russia announced a 40% reduction in the flow of natural gas to Germany through the Nord Stream pipeline. The announcement, that was made by Gazprom officials, sent tremors through the European gas market where prices quickly soared to new highs. In Germany—where prices have tripled in the last three months—the news was met with gasps of horror. With inflation already running at a 40-year high, this latest reduction in supply is certain to tip the German economy into recession or worse. All of …More