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"Only when She comes... only then will we be free." - Father Malachi Martin

"Systemically, our society of nations has opted for anti-life — for death.
As an explicit principle of its sociopolitical organization and of what we call now "progress". And God declares with almost brutal frankness, why our present human community as it is, gathering together for a One World Government for the New World Order is not only totally irreconcilable with His goodness and His holiness but is professionally abominable to Him and therefore totally rejected by Him. Cannot have His blessing or His luck. Cannot last in its present course."

"But all of us are caught. We are in a systemic community of nations which is anti-life. Which has elected to be pro-death, as a system and we cannot get out of it. So we are caught up in the demonic energy of the "Great Death Wish". That is precisely the terrain on which we are working."

"Let me ask you en passant not to assume, because sometimes we do blithely assume, that this "Great Death Wish" aims at the death of the body, of millions of bodies, that too, but its purpose in its authors and its chief author — that liar and murderer from the beginning that Jesus condemned so much, Lucifer. The purpose is to insure the death in the soul of mankind."

"The specific and ultimate aim of all death dealing including abortion and euthanasia and contraception, the abortifacients. The specific aim is to eliminate the Holy Trinity from our midst in the family of man, by making fatherhood and motherhood just alternative lifestyles, by trivializing that God founded troika of husband, wife and child into just one more socially adjustable arrangement. By reducing son-hood to penis possession and daughter-hood to vaginal freedom and married love to pleasurable mating habits, by in total effect thus eliminating the prototypes that God set up; The Fatherhood of God in Heaven, The Son-hood of Jesus, The Motherhood and the daughter-hood of Mary and the godliness of the Holy Family in Nazareth. That is the aim. Not just the killing of bodies. And with that comes the death of the supernatural life of God in our midst."

"Don't you see that we are at a hinge moment? Why? Because once the nations have agreed that they will use the pro-death, anti-life method of governing, because they have to in their reckoning, that they are making a decision which affects the whole race of man."

"But don't you see that this attitude is again man deciding about the fate of the human race. [...] It's a hinge moment, because they're deciding the fate of the human race. And once we get onto that plane, once we start dealing with the whole human race — we're dealing with the family of man and as the family of man, we are the children of God. And God is directly implicated. It's no longer the French killing the Germans or the Irish killing the British or vice-versa or some colonial empire oppressing blacks or yellows or reds or pinks or blues. No, this is a case where men have made a decision that affects the very family of man and God is implicated immediately and so is Jesus and so is Lucifer and so is Mary. That's where you are and that's what you're up against. You're not fighting merely Planned Parenthood. No, you're fighting that liar, that murderer from the beginning who Jesus condemned so much. Because Lucifer aimed at taking away from my Lord Jesus the souls He died to save."

"When you think about it seriously you see us at a hinge moment in history where God's family is affected. It isn't a local war or a minor thing. No, somebody has tried to take His family away from Him. When you think about that [transcendentally], then you realize that there's a father in the family He's in Heaven. There's a son and a brother and it's Jesus. There's a mother. And if we really want to have a guiding light in all we do then we have to think of Her as the coordinator of this human family. The mother of the living, whether there's a body or in the spirit. [...] Only when She comes ... only then will we be free."
- Selected excerpts from an address by Fr. Malachi Martin to Human Life International from 1991

The full address "We are caught up in the Demonic Energy of the Great Death Wish" - Fr. Malachi Martin to Human …
Public domain
Father Malachi Martin new exactly what was going on .
Joseph Patrick Whittaker shares this
My instinct -- the Catholic part, that is -- is to never give up, never stop trying to wake people up to reality of the death cultists who rule over us, and their enablers.
And we cannot stop trying to wake up the inattentive, and show the Way, the Truth and the Life to unbelievers. We must not stop confronting and correcting the apostates and heretics.
Even though, as it was foretold, many will …More
My instinct -- the Catholic part, that is -- is to never give up, never stop trying to wake people up to reality of the death cultists who rule over us, and their enablers.

And we cannot stop trying to wake up the inattentive, and show the Way, the Truth and the Life to unbelievers. We must not stop confronting and correcting the apostates and heretics.

Even though, as it was foretold, many will not listen, and turn from evil and death.

Even though many will likely die in the state they are in, we must never stop. Do do so is to despair. To do nothing is to believe the siren shrieks of the evil spirits that the living will envy the dead -- I do not and I will NOT envy the dead.

When He returns we must face God with a clear conscience. No despair, no envy.
David Allen White shares this
So true, and a little over 30 years later, look at the disturbing debauchery of the "trans" movement....
Mike knows his stuff! Pay heed to him!