Green energy and the culture of death

Our Nation's legalization of abortion and the One True Church's silence in the face of evil ( a form of support ) gives the impression that we don't believe in a God who loves all His children. When …More
Our Nation's legalization of abortion and the One True Church's silence in the face of evil ( a form of support ) gives the impression that we don't believe in a God who loves all His children.
When the Church acts with indifference who will teach society that the lives of others and their selves have worth,?
As it turns out no one. We cause the slavery of thousands, the unregulated pollution of productive farmland and the enrichment of Communist China.
Those who make slavery profitable share in the guilt,
Nations will be punished on this world and souls in the next. Green Energy Has a Dirty Secret
Tom Jones shares this
Don't support slavery...
chris griffin
You could not have said it better...Our Nation's legalization of abortion and the One True Church's silence in the face of evil ( a form of support ) gives the impression that we don't believe in a God who loves all His children.
Every single time you buy something, see if it is made in China and consider if you can live with yourself using something made by "political" prisoner slaves in a concentration camp in China and cobalt mines in Africa. If you refuse to buy it make it a sacrifice, asking God to comfort, release, and save those slaves.