Pt. 1 St. Bernadette & the Apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes. LegionofMary. St. Bernadette & Our Lady of Lourdes--1st. Part...From Jean Delannoy, one of France’s foremost filmmakers, comes this top …More
Pt. 1 St. Bernadette & the Apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes.
LegionofMary. St. Bernadette & Our Lady of Lourdes--1st. Part...From Jean Delannoy, one of France’s foremost filmmakers, comes this top quality feature film production of the story of St. Bernadette and the apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes. Actress Sydney Penny gives a beautiful performance as Bernadette, and the rest of the cast is equally superb. Also stars Roland Lesaffre and Michele Simonnet. It is highly recommended by the Vatican as a “sensitive portrayal of a very moving story that deserves a wide audience.”Shot on location in France with outstanding cinematography and a beautiful music score, this is the film that was chosen to be shown daily at the shrine in Lourdes. 👏 Saw it with my young daughter, at that time--beautiful memory...(2 days)
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Pt. 1 St. Bernadette & the Apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes
Ivan Tomas Just me
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Pt. 1 St. Bernadette & the Apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Thors Catholic Hammer
I can never watch this extraordinary story of St
Bernadette without being moved to tears.
Such a formidably courageous young teenager to withstand the ridicule and sneers of a cynical world.
She is a great role model for every Christian soul.
Thanks be to God and to His Holy Mother Mary.
Thors Catholic Hammer 👍 ✍️ Likewise, and it brings back wonderful memories of when I watched it in Lourdes, with my 9 year-old 🤗 😇
Thors Catholic Hammer
. The real life photographs of St.Bernadette reveal a lovely looking and serious young girl.
Rather reminiscent of St. Jacinta of Fatima with those fantastic unforgettable penetrating eyes.
Both girls were given the grace of visions.
Poor little Jacintas vision was very troubling and terrifying and she only around 9 years old. She died shortly afterwards .
It’s a great mystery and these two female …More
. The real life photographs of St.Bernadette reveal a lovely looking and serious young girl.
Rather reminiscent of St. Jacinta of Fatima with those fantastic unforgettable penetrating eyes.
Both girls were given the grace of visions.
Poor little Jacintas vision was very troubling and terrifying and she only around 9 years old. She died shortly afterwards .
It’s a great mystery and these two female saints are definitely relevant for our times.
It is also great that due to modern technology we have actual photos of what they looked like in life.
If I am not mistaken the earthly bodies of both girls remain incorrupt to this day .
Saints Bernadette and Jacinta please pray for us
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