
The Corona Scandal: Chronology of an Announced Crisis – By Thomas Binder MD*

For 18 months, "Corona experts", health authorities, governments and mainstream media have been doing everything they can to cloud our view of the Corona reality. This reality seems apparently to be incredibly complicated. Yet the reality, as is almost always the case, is incredibly simple.

All we must do is pick up the fragmented, decontextualised pieces of the puzzle that have been lying open in front of us for 18 months, de-fragment and contextualise them, and suddenly we can see the very big picture crystal clear.

On 31 December 2019, the Chinese CDC, the equivalent of our Swiss Federal Office for Public Health, headed by virologist Dr George Gao, reported 27 cases of pneumonia of unknown cause to the WHO - out of a population of China of 1.4 billion. Two and a half months earlier, on 18 October 2019, Dr George Gao had participated in a simulation of a corona pandemic that had broken out not in China but in South America, conducted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins University and the WEF in New York under the name "Event 201".[1] On 7 January 2020, Chinese health authorities identified a novel corona virus as its causative agent.

On 21 January 2020, Prof. Christian Drosten et al. submit a scientific publication, the recipe according to which laboratories can produce a rapid RT-PCR test for the detection of a virus called 2019-nCoV. It is accepted just one day later and published another day later in the medical journal Eurosurveillance.[2] The WHO had already posted the Drosten RT-PCR rapid test on its website a week earlier and recommended it as the global diagnostic gold standard.

On 30 January 2020, Drosten et al. published in the New England Journal of Medicine, as it were one of the bibles of us physicians whose integrity we still trusted at the time, the justification of the narrative of "epidemiologically relevant asymptomatic transmission of 2019-nCoV" in the Letter to the Editor "Transmission of 2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany”.[3]

On 11 February 2020, the WHO names the novel corona virus SARS-CoV-2, the disease it causes COVID-19; "coronavirus disease". It does this against the wishes of Chinese virologists. They wanted to call it HCoV-19, "human coronavirus", because of the danger that the name SARS-CoV-2 could stir up unfounded fears because of its biological and epidemiological lack of similarity to the much more dangerous SARS-CoV-1.

On 11 March 2020, the WHO declares a COVID pandemic. Meanwhile, its director-general, biologist, immunologist and philosopher Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has been indicted for alleged genocide in Ethiopia at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Of course, the presumption of innocence applies.[4]

Now almost everything is proceeding as it did during the swine flu scandal in 2009, but even more smoothly.[5] Experts, mostly laboratory physicians and biologists working as virologists or epidemiologists, who have never examined anyone suffering from a respiratory infection, let alone treated them, declare that SARS-CoV-2 is virtually an alien about which we know absolutely nothing and which we must regard as extremely dangerous until the same experts will perhaps have proved otherwise at some point. In Switzerland, they constitute themselves as the "Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force" and serve themselves as scientific advisors to the Federal Council [= government].[6]

The executive and legislative politicians and the health authorities in the Swiss Confederation and the cantons, which have been panicked by them, accept their offer and seem to follow them just as blindly as apparently the Federal Council had already blindly followed the WHO on the occasion of its declaration of the pandemic. Unlike any skittles club, the now official scientific governing body does not keep a record of its activities through what is supposed to be Switzerland's biggest crisis since the Second World War.

On 16 March 2020, based on exactly zero scientific evidence, the Federal Council declares an "emergency situation", the highest danger level of the epidemic law.

The leading media, including the SRG [= Swiss State TV], take on the third part in this conglomerate of mutually reinforcing ignorance, arrogance, incompetence and organised irresponsibility. Brainless and heartless, they hammer into our heads 24/7: "There is a pandemic of a highly contagious and even epidemiologically relevant asymptomatically transmissible corona killer virus. Any seemingly healthy fellow human being can be your angel of death!"

Unlike in 2009, the mainstream media immediately censure, discredit and defame doctors and scientists who question the claims, including luminaries such as John Ioannidis, Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology and Population Health at Stanford University School of Medicine, one of the world's most renowned and most cited scientists specialising in scientific fraud, Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg – who both had almost single-handedly uncovered the swine flu scandal in 2009. I, after being defamed by a private person well known to me and accused of an “armed threat,” was brutally arrested by an anti-terrorist unit in my doctor's office and, after it turned out that I had not threatened anyone, only the world view of insane people, was shipped off to a closed psychiatric ward for six days because of "self-endangerment in COVID insanity".[7]

The governments of almost all countries seem to have forgotten their plans for epidemics, which were wisely sparing the individuals, society and the economy, and in blind obedience to the WHO and lobbyists called "experts" are enacting self-destructive non-pharmacological measures, including - according to the authoritarian Chinese model - lockdowns never considered before. They are doing this globally in lockstep.

Without consulting the population, they are procuring billions of doses of emergency mRNA and DNA injections, temporarily approved by Swissmedic. This technology is being widely used on humans for the first time. Almost worldwide, the constitution, the rule of law, human rights, civil liberties, ethics, science and common sense are being sacrificed in favour of a quasi-global authoritarian regime under the control of the WHO. He who controls the WHO controls the world!

All elements of the prevailing Corona narrative are invented out of a fact-free vacuum

1. SARS-CoV-2 did not emerge in Wuhan in December 2019. First, in November 2020, a study from Milan demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 was already endemic in Italy in September 2019, before the 2019/20 flu season. Other studies later showed the same, for example in France.

2. There is no SARS-CoV-2 epidemic of national scope, ergo no pandemic. This is already evident from the lack of excess mortality, corrected for demographics, and the rather low occupancy of intensive care units, whose capacities have also been massively reduced since April 2020.

3) The test indication, i.e. to test not only critically ill patients in hospitals with a specific need for antiviral therapy in the sentinel and in a cohort study, but even “asymptomatic” patients - which previously used to be called healthy - and to test them only for one of all possible respiratory viruses, is wrong.

4. The Drosten RT-PCR test is not diagnostic for infection with SARS-CoV-2, nor for illness or death from COVID-19. On 27 November 2020, an international group of 22 bioscientists, including myself, published an "External Peer Review of the Corman-Drosten Paper".[8] In it, we declare that there are conflicts of interest and that the alleged peer review within 24 hours is absurd. We point at ten fundamental scientific errors. This most far-reaching medical publication of 2020, which can hardly be surpassed in terms of unscientificness, should never have been published. The Corman-Drosten RT-PCR test instructions are poorly and vaguely fabricated, without validation and standardisation. As a result of cross-reaction with other coronaviruses, the specificity of about 98.6%, corresponding to 1.4% false positives, which is already low in the absence of a virus in the inter-flu season, is reduced to up to 92.4%, corresponding to 7.6% false positives in the flu season. Everywhere the test is performed differently and at too high cycle thresholds. Although studies have shown that no culturable viruses are present in samples with a Ct value above 28, the tests continue to be carried out with cycle threshold values above 35. Their results are reported worldwide without reference to clinical symptoms.

5. The symptoms, clinical, laboratory and radiological findings of COVID-19 are not clearly distinguishable from diseases caused by other respiratory viruses.

6. There is no epidemiologically relevant asymptomatic transmission of respiratory viruses. What we learned in medical school has meanwhile been confirmed by numerous studies also for SARS-CoV-2. The "asymptomatic contact" invented by Prof. Drosten in the "Letter to the Editor" of 30 January 2020 was very much symptomatic: the patient had suppressed her symptoms with medication. Therefore, any non-pharmacological measures for asymptomatic people, formerly called healthy people, beyond those that have been shown to be effective in containing the spread of respiratory viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, hygiene and self-isolation of sick people, are ineffective.

7. The long stated high case fatality rate (CFR) of 2% was misleading. Every primary school student knows that it is not the CFR that is relevant, but the infection mortality rate (IFR), which can easily be lower by a factor of about one hundred because of the number of unreported cases.

The initial claim that 5% of infected persons would need intensive care was wrong, for the same reasons that every primary school pupil can understand. It led to the pointless procurement of about 1000 ventilators and the equally pointless postponement of non-emergency but urgent operations.

9. SARS-CoV-2 is not a mass killer. The most recent realistic estimate of global IFR is 0.15%, for under-70s below 0.05%, for children 0.00%. After replacing the number of those who died within 28 days with a positive RT-PCR test from whatever with the number who effectively died from COVID-19, it is still much lower, well below that of seasonal influenza.

10. An epidemic does not spread exponentially, but according to a logistic or Gompertz function.

11. Due to basic and cross-immunity, only about 10-20% contract the seasonal corona and influenza viruses during each influenza season. Herd immunity is likely to exist in our mid-northern latitudes since the end of the Corona-19 season in April 2020. Therefore, an “n-th wave of respiratory virus" is also a biological impossibility.

12. There is effective prophylaxis: for example, healthy lifestyle, lots of social contact, and vitamin D3.

13. There are effective, well-tolerated, low-cost therapies: For example, topical budesonide, normal doses of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. In addition, the life-threatening thromboembolic complications of the comparatively rare severe viraemic courses of COVID-19 can be treated with anticoagulants.

14. Serial experimental mRNA and DNA injections are unnecessary (IFR 0.15%, for <70a: <0.05%, for children: 0. 00% - which is after replacing the number of those who died within 28 days with a positive RT-PCR test from whatever disease, by the number of COVID-19 deceased even lower. Moreover SARS-CoV-2 is mutating permanently and in the sense that it is more and more contagious but less and less dangerous), ineffective (according to the registration studies, which are not worth the paper they are written on, the mRNA injections reduce the risk of mild disease from COVID-19 absolutely (!) by <1.5%, there are no data for severe courses and in >75-year-olds, "real world" data from Israel and the UK confirm ineffectiveness) and unsafe (possible anaphylactic reaction, thromboembolism, thrombocytopenia, DIC and myocarditis in the short term, ADE not ruled out in the medium term, autoimmune diseases, cancer and infertility not ruled out in the medium to long term).

SARS-CoV-2 is not an alien

SARS-CoV-2 is a newly discovered member of the well-known beta coronavirus family. Therefore, it naturally occurs seasonally, in our country from November to April, and mutates, without human intervention, to become more contagious but less dangerous. Because of existing basic and cross-immunity, only a fraction of the population falls ill. The disease is usually self-limiting and leaves immunity, possibly for life, and better than the best vaccination ever could. It kills comparatively few people and, unlike influenza, no children.

The whole prevailing Corona narrative is nonsense. It justifies the globally reigning unscientific, inhumane madness. Such can be done with any respiratory virus: If we stop testing all people with a hypersensitive, low-specificity RT-PCR test that cross-reacts with other viruses for theoretically one RNA fragment of SARS-CoV-2, but for one of, say, influenza or metapneumo viruses, we immediately have an influenza or metapneumo test pandemic.

Incidentally, every second-year medical student must study the basics of epidemiology. There he or she learns, as did my fellow student Swiss Federal Councillor [= minister] Ignazio Cassis, for example, that when an epidemic of national significance is declared, a cohort study representative of the population must be formed immediately. It serves to record and monitor the number of cases, the severity of the disease and the status of immunity, in this case by determining antibodies and T-cell immunity.

Although it has been 16 months since the WHO declared the COVID pandemic, such a representative surveillance cohort does not exist. Worse still, from week 13 to 44/2020, the Swiss Federal Office for Public Health paused the Sentinella as well, thereby completing the total blind flight in favour of total interpretive sovereignty of the erratic Drosten-Nonsens RT-PCR test "case numbers".

Even a brief glance at the "Near-real time monitoring of intensive care occupancy" (IES system) of the ETH Zurich or the "Hospital capacities in Switzerland" of the Federal Office for Public Health immediately reveals the fundamental fraud of the Corona scandal: Due to a positive Drosten-Nonsens RT-PCR test - dice would be more favourable - green "non-COVID-ICU patients" are simply given the (often) wrong diagnosis of COVID or, in this case, changed into "yellow COVID-ICU patients". The total number of ICU patients does not change due to this swindle. This also explains why the ICUs were not overloaded in any country, regardless of whether there are almost three times as many ICU beds in relation to the population (e.g. Germany) or only about half as many (e.g. Sweden) as in Switzerland. Those responsible must have known this, otherwise they would not have reduced ICU capacities in Switzerland and worldwide since April 2020 but would have built up more.

Already on 22 January 2007, the New York Times, virtually the bible of journalists whose integrity one could still trust at the time, had explained (almost) everything to us in a piece entitled: "Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn't." Facepalm, as our boys say.[9]

The COVID-19 epidemic is largely an unreal RT-PCR testing epidemic, but the repressive measures it has spawned are real: they threaten our freedom, our livelihoods and even our lives.

On 28 May 2021, "Aletheia - Medicine and Science for Proportionality", about 285 doctors and scientists, held a media conference in Bern, Switzerland, explaining the still prevailing Corona-Nonsens narrative in a way that can be understood by medical laymen and formulating ten demands to end the "COVID pandemic".[10,11] The mainstream media failed to report on this.

On 9 July 2021, "Aletheia" published an open letter to Swissmedic in which we demand the immediate suspension of the authorisation of the unnecessary, ineffective, unsafe experimental mRNA injections, first and foremost for children.[12] The leading media did not report on this.

On 18 July 2021, "Corona experts", politicians and journalists in the Sunday press bluntly call for discrimination against people who do not have serially injected unnecessary, ineffective, unsafe experimental mRNA (against false positive nonsense RT-PCR tests) packaged in experimental lipid nano-particles.

An "announced crisis"? More likely this is totally unscientific, inhumane madness!

1 youtube.com/watch?v=zv9J0fKlhA0
2 eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045
3 nejm.org/action/cookieAbsent
4 uncutnews.ch/…ternationalen-strafgerichtshof-gegen-chef-der-who/
5 youtube.com/watch?v=-hluVv5iBMQ
6 re-check.ch/wordpress/fr/wissenschaft-pandemie-task-force/
7 thomasbinder.ch/post/m-ein-jahr-covid-19
8 cormandrostenreview.com
9 nytimes.com/2007/01/22/health/22whoop.html
10 youtube.com/watch?v=b3q9XSHPRoE
11 aletheia-scimed.ch/…_zu_beenden_aletheia_medienkonferenz_28.5.2021.pdf
12 aletheia-scimed.ch/Beitrage-30

Other sources:


*Thomas Binder, MD, studied medicine at the University of Zurich, where he obtained a doctorate in immunology and virology, specialised in internal medicine and cardiology, has 33 years of experience also in diagnostics and therapy of (viral) respiratory infections, has been practising in Wettingen, Switzerland, for 23 years and since February 2020 has been advocating a return to science, medicine and humanity.
Eugene Michael Farrell shares this
Eugene Michael Farrell
Brilliantly clarified in comprehensive vernacular grammar. thank you sir.
Windmill Lane shares this
Susieofutah @gmail.com
Jeffrey Ade
No virus no problem! Just do as your communist overlords tell you! Good comrade!
GJA Taylor
Dr Binder, may God bless you for speaking Truth to this very dark world we are living in.
If unvaxxed are locked out of food stores, gas chambers are only months away.
The chronology that matters is that of Our Lord who sent His mother to Fatima, we have not been listening and to out peril!
You are absolutely correct. Russia needs to be consecrated but, just as importantly, all people need to pray the Rosary every day.
Jeffrey Ade
Only if we let it!
This is a chronology that will deliberately forgotten as thoroughly as the voting irregularities in the 2020 US Presidential election.