
The Corona Scandal: Chronology of an Announced Crisis – By Thomas Binder MD*

For 18 months, "Corona experts", health authorities, governments and mainstream media have been doing everything they can to cloud our view of the Corona reality. This reality seems apparently to be …More
For 18 months, "Corona experts", health authorities, governments and mainstream media have been doing everything they can to cloud our view of the Corona reality. This reality seems apparently to be incredibly complicated. Yet the reality, as is almost always the case, is incredibly simple.
All we must do is pick up the fragmented, decontextualised pieces of the puzzle that have been lying open in front of us for 18 months, de-fragment and contextualise them, and suddenly we can see the very big picture crystal clear.
On 31 December 2019, the Chinese CDC, the equivalent of our Swiss Federal Office for Public Health, headed by virologist Dr George Gao, reported 27 cases of pneumonia of unknown cause to the WHO - out of a population of China of 1.4 billion. Two and a half months earlier, on 18 October 2019, Dr George Gao had participated in a simulation of a corona pandemic that had broken out not in China but in South America, conducted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johns …More
Eugene Michael Farrell shares this
Eugene Michael Farrell
Brilliantly clarified in comprehensive vernacular grammar. thank you sir.
Windmill Lane shares this
Susieofutah @gmail.com
Jeffrey Ade
No virus no problem! Just do as your communist overlords tell you! Good comrade!
GJA Taylor
Dr Binder, may God bless you for speaking Truth to this very dark world we are living in.
If unvaxxed are locked out of food stores, gas chambers are only months away.
The chronology that matters is that of Our Lord who sent His mother to Fatima, we have not been listening and to out peril!
You are absolutely correct. Russia needs to be consecrated but, just as importantly, all people need to pray the Rosary every day.
Jeffrey Ade
Only if we let it!
This is a chronology that will deliberately forgotten as thoroughly as the voting irregularities in the 2020 US Presidential election.