San Carlo al Corso, Roma. by irapuato on 4.11.13More
San Carlo al Corso, Roma.
by irapuato on 4.11.13
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San Carlo al Corso, Roma
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Visita: San Carlo al Corso, Roma
San Carlos en el Corso (en italiano, Sant'Ambrogio e Carlo al Corso, normalmente conocida sólo como San Carlo al Corso) es una iglesia basílica de Roma, Italia, frente a la parte central de la Via del Corso. El ábside de la iglesia queda al otro lado de la calle del Mausoleo de Augusto en Via di Ripetta.
Esta iglesia está dedicada a los santos Ambrosio y …More
Visita: San Carlo al Corso, Roma

San Carlos en el Corso (en italiano, Sant'Ambrogio e Carlo al Corso, normalmente conocida sólo como San Carlo al Corso) es una iglesia basílica de Roma, Italia, frente a la parte central de la Via del Corso. El ábside de la iglesia queda al otro lado de la calle del Mausoleo de Augusto en Via di Ripetta.

Esta iglesia está dedicada a los santos Ambrosio y Carlos Borromeo, ambos originarios de Milán. Es una de las al menos tres iglesias de Roma dedicadas a Borromeo, siendo las otras San Carlo ai Catinari y San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane.
Susy Longoria
✍️ 👏 👍 🤗
🤗 @Latina, Alles Gute zum Namenstag! 👏 👏 😇
😇 GRACIAS, Padre... ✍️ Nuestra visita a venerar a S. Carlos Borromeo, 2005 Collage: Visita al No. Italia/Italy, 2005 ✍️ También veneramos su corazón en Roma, 2010, en precisamente esta basílica, San Carlo al Corso.. ✍️ Luego, vimos la enorme estatua en su honor, en Arona: San Carlo Borromeo Statue, Arona (Italy) 👏
San Carlos cuyo nombre significa "hombre prudente" ha sido uno de los santos extraordinariamente activos a favor de la Iglesia y del pueblo que sobresale admirablemente. San Carlos Borromeo, un santo que tomó muy en serio aquella frase de Jesús: "Quien ahorra su vida, la pierde, pero el que gasta su vida por Mí, la ganará"
San Carlos fundó 740 escuelas de catecismo con 3,000 catequistas y 40,000…More
San Carlos cuyo nombre significa "hombre prudente" ha sido uno de los santos extraordinariamente activos a favor de la Iglesia y del pueblo que sobresale admirablemente. San Carlos Borromeo, un santo que tomó muy en serio aquella frase de Jesús: "Quien ahorra su vida, la pierde, pero el que gasta su vida por Mí, la ganará"

San Carlos fundó 740 escuelas de catecismo con 3,000 catequistas y 40,000 alumnos.
Fundó además 6 seminarios para formar sacerdotes bien preparados
🙏 👏 😉 😇
✍️ Vida ejemplar de San Carlos Borromeo, en PDF:
San Carlos Borromeo
Santi Ambrogio e Carlo al Corso, anche conosciuta solo come San Carlo al Corso, è una basilica minore di Roma, chiesa "nazionale" dei lombardi residenti a Roma. La sua costruzione iniziò nel 1612, in sostituzione di un edificio del X secolo. Il titolo cardinalizio della chiesa appartiene tradizionalmente all'arcivescovo di Milano. Dal 1906 è officiata dai Rosminiani. …More
Santi Ambrogio e Carlo al Corso, anche conosciuta solo come San Carlo al Corso, è una basilica minore di Roma, chiesa "nazionale" dei lombardi residenti a Roma. La sua costruzione iniziò nel 1612, in sostituzione di un edificio del X secolo. Il titolo cardinalizio della chiesa appartiene tradizionalmente all'arcivescovo di Milano. Dal 1906 è officiata dai Rosminiani.…
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Sant'Ambrogio e Carlo al Corso (usually known simply as San Carlo al Corso) is a basilica church in Rome, Italy, facing onto the central part of the Via del Corso. The apse of the church faces across the street, the Mausoleum of Augustus on Via di Ripetta.
This church is dedicated to Saint Ambrose and Saint Charles Borromeo, both natives of Milan. It is one of at least three churches in Rome …More
Sant'Ambrogio e Carlo al Corso (usually known simply as San Carlo al Corso) is a basilica church in Rome, Italy, facing onto the central part of the Via del Corso. The apse of the church faces across the street, the Mausoleum of Augustus on Via di Ripetta.
This church is dedicated to Saint Ambrose and Saint Charles Borromeo, both natives of Milan. It is one of at least three churches in Rome dedicated to Borromeo, others include San Carlo ai Catinari and San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane.
Its construction was begun in honour of the canonization of St. Charles Borromeo in 1610, under the direction of Onorio Longhi and, after his death, of his son Martino Longhi the Younger. The site was that of the former church of San Nicola de Tofo. The ground plan is based on the Latin cross. The dome, resembling that of Santi Luca e Martina, was designed by Pietro da Cortona (1668), who was also responsible for the apse and rich internal decorations. The façade was designed by Cardinal Luigi Alessandro Omodei, who did not like the project prepared by Carlo Rainaldi.
The central vault is frescoed with a Fall of the Rebel Angels (1677–1679) by Giacinto Brandi. The altarpiece, depicting the Saints Ambrose and Charles Borromeo with the Virgin and Jesus, was painted around 1685-1690 by Carlo Maratta. The stucco decoration was by Giacomo and Cosimo Fancelli. The statue of the saints were by Francesco Cavallini. Frescoes of Justice and Peace were painted by Girolamo Troppa.
In the ambulatory behind the sanctuary, is a niche where a reliquary containing the heart of St Charles is kept. It was donated to the church in 1614 by Cardinal Federico Borromeo, a cousin of the saint.
The 16th-century oratory of St. Ambrose is beyond the left transept.
The first chapel on the right is dedicated to the Crucifixion and has a fresco of Vigilance by Paolo Albertoni.
The second chapel on the right is dedicated to Mary, Aid of Christians (Maria Auxilium Christianorum) has an image of the Virgin donated by St Vincent Pallotti in the 19th century.
The third chapel on the right is dedicated to the Holy Family. On the left side of it is a depiction of The Redemptor and Sts Ambrose and Charles as well as the sepulchral monument of Federico Borromeo.
On the exterior, to the sides of the apse and facing the ancient Mausoleum of Augustus, are two giant statues of the titular saints, amongst the largest in Rome.
Other artists active in the church include: Pasquale de' Rossi, Luigi Garzi, Francesco Rosa, Giovanni Battista Boncore, and Fabbrizio Chiari.
Chapel of St. Olav

The Chapel of St. Olav of Norway, to the left of the nave, is dedicated to the martyr king who converted to Christianity and was slain in the Battle of Stiklestad in 1030. The chapel was inaugurated by Cardinal Lucido Maria Parocchi on 9 April 1893, on the 50th anniversary of the first Mass celebrated legally in Norway since the Reformation.
The painting, by the Polish artist Pius Wleonski, depicts the Viking king's victory over his own pagan past which is represented by a dragon. It was a gift, presented on March 3, 1893, to Pope Leo XIII for the 50th anniversary of his episcopal ordination. Bishop Fallize of Norway asked that it be placed in this chapel, and was unveiled by Baron Wedel Jarlsberg. The Pope supported the idea of a Norwegian chapel in Rome.
A smaller picture on the altar shows St. Anne and her daughter, the Blessed Virgin. St Anne was a very popular saint in pre-Reformation Norway.
The relics of a Roman martyr, St. Saturninus, are interred in the altar. Nothing is known about him except his name.
The chapel was restored, and it was reinaugurated by Bishop Gran of Oslo in 1980. The initiative for this restoration came from Cecilie "Ciss" Riber-Mohn (who was not herself a Catholic, and who died in 1978, before the restoration was complete), Olga Térése "Olgese" Mowinckel Ringler and her Italian husband Andrea Ringler. Rieber-Mohn had also preserved the chapel in the 1960s, when there was talk about using it for other purposes.
Mass is celebrated in Norwegian at Christmas, on May 17 (Constitution Day) and October 16 (feast of St. Olav's conversion), and many Norwegian ex-patriates, including non-Catholic, take part. Requiem masses are celebrated for Norwegians with connections to Rome. Norwegian pilgrim groups can make an appointment to celebrate Mass here, and at times tourist groups come here for ecumenical services.
Todos en Roma la llaman simplemente San Carlo al Corso pero el verdadero nombre de esta iglesia es Santos Ambrosio y Carlo o bien los patrones de Milán.
Erigida sobre una iglesia pequeña que en 1471 fue concedida por el Papa Sexto IV a la comunidad Lombarda de Roma, de modo que la nueva iglesia de los Lombardos, que empieza a tomar forma en 1612, finalmente provocó la demolición de la antigua …More
Todos en Roma la llaman simplemente San Carlo al Corso pero el verdadero nombre de esta iglesia es Santos Ambrosio y Carlo o bien los patrones de Milán.
Erigida sobre una iglesia pequeña que en 1471 fue concedida por el Papa Sexto IV a la comunidad Lombarda de Roma, de modo que la nueva iglesia de los Lombardos, que empieza a tomar forma en 1612, finalmente provocó la demolición de la antigua iglesia que por lo que parece estaba decorada con frescos de P. Del Vaga y de B. Peruzzi.
Hasta 1632 se alternaron en la construcción Onorio Longhi y su hijo Martino, después los trabajos se pararon hasta 1665, año en que Pietro da Corona fue encargado de retomarlos y proyectó la cúpula y el ábside, finalmente le tocó a la fachada proyectada por el Card. Luigi Omodei, corría el año 1684.

La grande nave central está flanqueada por dos naves laterales con bóvedas pintadas al fresco y decoradas, las capillas laterales están bastante retraídas en las naves.
La bóveda central está ricamente decorada con estucos proyectados por Pietro da Corona, en el centro el fresco de Giacinto Brandi representando "La caída de los ángeles rebeldes", las naves laterales se reúnen pasando por detrás del presbiterio mediante un deambulatorio anular, arquitectura única en Roma, justo detrás del altar se conserva la reliquia del corazón di S. Carlo.
Todos los frescos de las bóvedas, del cuenco absidal, de los penachos y de la cúpolason de Brandi.
El retablo del altar mayor es obra de Carlo Maratta: "Gloria de los Santos Ambrosio y Carlo (1690)", a los lados del altar mayor dos púlpitos, cabe significar la asignación a cada uno de los dos santos titulares de la iglesia.…/carloS.html