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Did This Seer See the Coronavirus Epidemy? Did This Seer See the Coronavirus Epidemy? Luisa Piccaretta is a Southern Italian mystic who died in 1947. Piccaretta is not an obscure seer but was proclaimed …More
Did This Seer See the Coronavirus Epidemy?
Did This Seer See the Coronavirus Epidemy?
Luisa Piccaretta is a Southern Italian mystic who died in 1947. Piccaretta is not an obscure seer but was proclaimed a Servant of God, known as the “Little Daughter of the Divine Will.” She spent almost sixty years of her life bedridden. Piccaretta’s diaries were published with the permission of a bishop and the approval of her confessor Father Annibale di Francia who was canonised by John Paul II.
A Fire In Italy, And a Fire in China
On the 30 of July 1900, Luisa wrote in her diary the enigmatic words, "I have spent a restless night and day.” She explains, “I saw things that made me terrified and frightened. I saw that, in Italy, one fire was rising and that another one had risen in China. Little by little, they were uniting together, they were united into one.” Then, “I saw a riot, a tumult, a killing of people". It seems that the coronavirus is the fire that jumped from China to Italy.
A Punishment …More