Fr Leon Pereira O.P. has complied a list of the unnamed babies murdered through abortion to provide cell lines sold as commodities Such as those used in production/testing of C-19 Vax. Via @Deacon Nick …More
Fr Leon Pereira O.P. has complied a list of the unnamed babies murdered through abortion to provide cell lines sold as commodities Such as those used in production/testing of C-19 Vax. Via @Deacon Nick Donnelly
Edward Pentin on Twitter: A Vatican official says: “It’s difficult to protest against Pfizer and its [abortion-tainted] vaccine when we’re vaccinating people with Pfizer.”
Father Tad Pacholczyk, director of education at the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia, noted that one of the “few positive” consequences of the coronavirus has been the “expanding public understanding and distress over the widespread use of abortion-derived cell lines in research.
“We have a unique opportunity to apply pressure for change in the way scientific research and …More
Father Tad Pacholczyk, director of education at the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia, noted that one of the “few positive” consequences of the coronavirus has been the “expanding public understanding and distress over the widespread use of abortion-derived cell lines in research.
“We have a unique opportunity to apply pressure for change in the way scientific research and development are being conducted at our universities and in industry,” (edwardpentin.co.uk/…-help-campaigns-against-abortion-tainted-vaccines/)