Modern days Carmelite wearing Parlor Veil. Credit for Eremita IrmaMore
Modern days Carmelite wearing Parlor Veil.

Credit for Eremita Irma
Are they on their way to one of the Vatican forced meetings outside their cloister ????? Love Carmelites- hate modernism !!
Very good.
And here old pictures.
Explanation of the "Parlor Veil"
"In the times of Our Holy Mother St. Teresa, she and other cloistered nuns would wear these veils covering their faces completely when meeting persons outside the cloister, particularly on her journeys when setting up new foundations of Carmelite Nuns. The purpose of these parlor veils was to maintain the spirit of the cloister even when certain duties were necessary …More
Explanation of the "Parlor Veil"
"In the times of Our Holy Mother St. Teresa, she and other cloistered nuns would wear these veils covering their faces completely when meeting persons outside the cloister, particularly on her journeys when setting up new foundations of Carmelite Nuns. The purpose of these parlor veils was to maintain the spirit of the cloister even when certain duties were necessary to perform outside the cloister. This spirit was and continues to be a spirit of detatchment from the things of the world and being set apart from the world in order to maintain intimate converse with their Spouse, Jesus Christ. Carmelite life is also a hidden life, and St. Teresa tried to even maintain this aspect of our life in tact when one needed to leave the enclosure. It also helps maintain recollection, custody of the senses, and maintaining religious decorum outside the monastery. In the days of St. Teresa, this was a very common practice and widely accepted as the norm since all of Europe was still predominately Catholic. In our modern times, however, this is not the case and that is why this pious practice has almost become extinct among Carmels today."