Biden’s ex nuclear waste disposal deputy, Sam Brinton, who is non-binary, appeared in a Las Vegas court earlier this week and was given a 180 day suspended jail sentence and ordered to pay one of his …More
Biden’s ex nuclear waste disposal deputy, Sam Brinton, who is non-binary, appeared in a Las Vegas court earlier this week and was given a 180 day suspended jail sentence and ordered to pay one of his female victims $3600. Brinton was found guilty of theft of two women’s suitcases. Source: Daily Mail
Non-binary & all other "Genders" are just different types of GAY.
Since 'binary' means "involving 2 things" - aren't we all non-binary (not 2)? Either a man or a woman, one or the other? I hate how these people subvert language itself! 😤
Maria Lylyander
Why write he is non-binary? There is no such thing.