Lee Taylor
Lee Taylor

German Patriotic Church? Hong Kong Bishop Wants Priestesses

Ok. That sounds reasonable. Thanks for the explanation.
Lee Taylor

German Patriotic Church? Hong Kong Bishop Wants Priestesses

@Mathathias Maccabeus I did check it out. It's somewhat confusing.
It sounds to me like someone has made the issue of heresy (among other issues) more complicated than it should be.
Since when has it become that difficult to determine and to discern truth vs. lies, right vs. wrong, or good vs. evil.
For some reason....I no longer see any gray shades. I see things as an either/or issue now. No more …More
@Mathathias Maccabeus I did check it out. It's somewhat confusing.

It sounds to me like someone has made the issue of heresy (among other issues) more complicated than it should be.

Since when has it become that difficult to determine and to discern truth vs. lies, right vs. wrong, or good vs. evil.

For some reason....I no longer see any gray shades. I see things as an either/or issue now. No more fence-sitting or lukewarm positions, as in my younger, more liberal days.
Lee Taylor

German Patriotic Church? Hong Kong Bishop Wants Priestesses

But....isn't endorsing heresy the very definition of 'a heretic'?
Lee Taylor

Rock Concert Disguised as Prayer: "We Have Lost The Nose For The Truth" - Francis

Yes, but at least on American Idol, some of them can actually carry a tune (unlike this twerp).
Lee Taylor

Rock Concert Disguised as Prayer: "We Have Lost The Nose For The Truth" - Francis

I think he’s a Humanist...with attention more to the corporeal, rather than to the spiritual. And if he really is praying to God as he claims he does, he is no longer getting any "feedback", if he ever did That much is obvious.
Lee Taylor

Rock Concert Disguised as Prayer: "We Have Lost The Nose For The Truth" - Francis

Is this a joke? It has to be. That is the most pathetic "performance" I've ever seen or heard.
Lee Taylor

Malta Parish: As Many Naked People As Possible

@Angelo Santeli It's really hard to ignore something that troubling...ie that God is allowing evil men to control and corrupt at the highest levels of government and religion. Then again..... when, in the history of the world, has this not been the reality that Christians were faced with.
Lee Taylor

Covid Fanaticism: Cardinal Parolin Refuses Entry To Cardinal Burke

Imagine Parolin's surprise....when he is denied entry into Heaven some day in the future. Think he'll get the connection? I doubt it.