
Malta Parish: As Many Naked People As Possible

The parish priest of Santa Maria in Birkirkara, Malta, installed recently three big wall paintings in his 17th century church (pictures from the parish’s FaceBook.com). Their scope is evidently to show …More
The parish priest of Santa Maria in Birkirkara, Malta, installed recently three big wall paintings in his 17th century church (pictures from the parish’s FaceBook.com).
Their scope is evidently to show as many naked men as possible. The strange paintings were discovered by Joseph Sciambra, a healed homosexual and former Catholic who has lapsed to the Russian Orthodox.
Sciambra senses “homoeroticism” in all three pictures.
Jan Joseph
Ja de gehele katholieke kerk bestaat alleen maar uit homo’s.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Typical worthless, blasphemous, heretical Vatican II Catholic Church. But to be honest, these pictures go perfectly with the celebration of the Novus Ordo, which has never produced anything but garbage,
atreverse pensar
Clearly homoerotic and blasphemy
GJA Taylor
Clearly the clergy in Malta are like the Germans way too much of our money in their accounts. Duplicitous slothful sneaky men in costumes.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Sex in Church, Malta
Jeffrey Ade
Can't really be Catholic now, can he? Well the fight isn't over yet! St. Elmo! LaValette! To arms!
Homo alert.
Not really stirring up PIUS Devotion in me. Looks like the product of confused and self centered artist. (I'll stop there)
@Angelo Santeli It is all too clear you are a sedevacantist and "The Church" isn't whatever YOU claim it is, tacky art notwithstanding.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. I wasn't suspended. I was taking a Holy Week vacation from garbage like you.
12 more comments from Ultraviolet
It's so cute to watch you lie through your teeth. Matty was here hours before I logged on.
"Haha except you and MM logged off within 2 mins of each other on the 12 April "
Haha that's because I exhorted Matty to avoid near occasions of sin during Holy Week, namely people like you
"But you weren't suspended even though Don Ray messaged another poster and said he had enough."
...because Michael Newman …More
It's so cute to watch you lie through your teeth. Matty was here hours before I logged on.

"Haha except you and MM logged off within 2 mins of each other on the 12 April "

Haha that's because I exhorted Matty to avoid near occasions of sin during Holy Week, namely people like you

"But you weren't suspended even though Don Ray messaged another poster and said he had enough."

...because Michael Newman always tells the truth the way you do? Yes, you ARE that gullible.
"I've been watching. You like each others comments, never argue which is amazing for you" @Benedict Hierusalem
That's another lie. If you watching so closely on April 12, you'd notice we spent most of the evening arguing over spheres.More
"I've been watching. You like each others comments, never argue which is amazing for you" @Benedict Hierusalem

That's another lie. If you watching so closely on April 12, you'd notice we spent most of the evening arguing over spheres.
"Haha you were suspended lap it up" 😂 😋 @Benedict Hierusalem
From the same pratt who ALSO wrote...
Cyber bullies need reactions. They thrive on your every reply, positive or negative, but they can't cope with being ignored. When you react your not counteracting their insult your giving them oxygen."More
"Haha you were suspended lap it up" 😂 😋 @Benedict Hierusalem

From the same pratt who ALSO wrote...
Cyber bullies need reactions. They thrive on your every reply, positive or negative, but they can't cope with being ignored. When you react your not counteracting their insult your giving them oxygen."
"I know it hurts awwwhhhh" @Benedict Hierusalem
Compare the "real Benedict" to his BS virtue signalling...
"Humility is the key follow our Lord,s example how he conducted himself in holy week."More
"I know it hurts awwwhhhh" @Benedict Hierusalem

Compare the "real Benedict" to his BS virtue signalling...
"Humility is the key follow our Lord,s example how he conducted himself in holy week."
"Making sure everyone knows you were suspended and you are obviously very very very sore about it. Haha" @Benedict Hierusalem
Repeating a lie doesn't make it true. But it's LOVELY to watch you drop that faux-piety. So much for...
"I tried to tell him to let it go and forget but 2 mins later he was back in it with them."More
"Making sure everyone knows you were suspended and you are obviously very very very sore about it. Haha" @Benedict Hierusalem

Repeating a lie doesn't make it true. But it's LOVELY to watch you drop that faux-piety. So much for...
"I tried to tell him to let it go and forget but 2 mins later he was back in it with them."
"If you have had enough of logging on to Gloria TV just to see running battles in the comment section, going on for hours at a time..." @Benedict Hierusalem
...and here's Benedict doing exactly what he preaches against. :P British hypocrisy at its best.More
"If you have had enough of logging on to Gloria TV just to see running battles in the comment section, going on for hours at a time..." @Benedict Hierusalem

...and here's Benedict doing exactly what he preaches against. :P British hypocrisy at its best.
"I have been messaged by people who have been suspended in the past"
You and Michael Newman,have a nasty habit of referring to support you can't/ won't show. Simply put, just because Michael Newman claims something about Fr. Reto doesn't make it true. Just because YOU claim something about me or Matty doesn't make it true, either.
Of late, that's all you've been doing...More
"I have been messaged by people who have been suspended in the past"

You and Michael Newman,have a nasty habit of referring to support you can't/ won't show. Simply put, just because Michael Newman claims something about Fr. Reto doesn't make it true. Just because YOU claim something about me or Matty doesn't make it true, either.

Of late, that's all you've been doing...
"If people won't behave in a catholic manner here why should they be tolerated by those only interested in learning/spreading the faith..." @Benedict Hierusalem
Fun Trivia: NONE of Benedict's comments are about this post or even "about learning/ spreading the faith". He just showed up to " 'ave a go" and push his own falsehoods.More
"If people won't behave in a catholic manner here why should they be tolerated by those only interested in learning/spreading the faith..." @Benedict Hierusalem

Fun Trivia: NONE of Benedict's comments are about this post or even "about learning/ spreading the faith". He just showed up to " 'ave a go" and push his own falsehoods.
"...is a violation of the amendment to the rules of Gloria tv." @Benedict Hierusalem
Rubbish. Quote the rules verbatim and link the relevant amendment. Put up or shut up.
As usual, all you ever do is shovel one pile of manure on top of another. False claims of suspensions, false claims of broken rules, and zero evidence except your say-so.
"While your at it prove your claim that Gloria TV does …More
"...is a violation of the amendment to the rules of Gloria tv." @Benedict Hierusalem

Rubbish. Quote the rules verbatim and link the relevant amendment. Put up or shut up.

As usual, all you ever do is shovel one pile of manure on top of another. False claims of suspensions, false claims of broken rules, and zero evidence except your say-so.

"While your at it prove your claim that Gloria TV does not suspend posters. Show the rule to match your claim."

Burden of proof is on the one making the initial claim. Show proof either Matty or myself was suspended. Proof is more than you repeating a baseless claim.
"While your at it prove your claim that Gloria TV does not suspend posters. Show the rule to match your claim."
Burden of proof is on the one making the initial claim. Show proof either Matty or myself was suspended. Proof is more than you repeating a baseless claim.
You are far too charitable @Mathathias Maccabeus If you offer to "go away forever" then there should be equal collateral from …More
"While your at it prove your claim that Gloria TV does not suspend posters. Show the rule to match your claim."

Burden of proof is on the one making the initial claim. Show proof either Matty or myself was suspended. Proof is more than you repeating a baseless claim.

You are far too charitable @Mathathias Maccabeus If you offer to "go away forever" then there should be equal collateral from your opponent.

British "apologies" aren't worth the time they'd spend typing them.
Debunking your BS isn't seething. @Benedict Hierusalem I To think you showed up a day later just to write:. "Haha you rely are seething at having had your bum slapped." 😂
From the same guy who ALSO wrote:
"Cyber bullies need reactions. They thrive on your every reply, positive or negative, but they can't cope with being ignored"More
Debunking your BS isn't seething. @Benedict Hierusalem I To think you showed up a day later just to write:. "Haha you rely are seething at having had your bum slapped." 😂

From the same guy who ALSO wrote:
"Cyber bullies need reactions. They thrive on your every reply, positive or negative, but they can't cope with being ignored"
I LOVE your idea of "Gloria TV Peace and Tranquilty. You start a running battle after you made a post just to complain about them. Your words:
"If you have had enough of logging on to Gloria TV just to see running battles in the comment section, going on for hours at a time...
Lee Taylor
@Angelo Santeli It's really hard to ignore something that troubling...ie that God is allowing evil men to control and corrupt at the highest levels of government and religion. Then again..... when, in the history of the world, has this not been the reality that Christians were faced with.