Please let her name be Alice
Juan Perez
Probably mocking our Lady.
Revelation 12 1
A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.More
Probably mocking our Lady.

Revelation 12 1
A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.
Historical evidence contradicts you @Joao H Machado Something to remember when he's shilling his latest book. :P
This is a joke right?
I wish it was. Previous interchanges have convinced me Joao truly believes the moon landings were faked.
They were
Good luck trying to prove that. ;-)
The earth isn't a "ball of water", @Joao H Machado It's a solid ball with water on the surface. Also, LRN 2 Physics, Centrifugal/ Centrifugal Force. I'm glad you asked, though... I didn't want to accuse you of being a "flat earth" supporter absent evidence. Thank you for this. :D
Since you asked, I believe in crazier stuff than you do and I freely admit it. I believe in a war between invisible …More
The earth isn't a "ball of water", @Joao H Machado It's a solid ball with water on the surface. Also, LRN 2 Physics, Centrifugal/ Centrifugal Force. I'm glad you asked, though... I didn't want to accuse you of being a "flat earth" supporter absent evidence. Thank you for this. :D

Since you asked, I believe in crazier stuff than you do and I freely admit it. I believe in a war between invisible spirits called "angels" and "demons" (fallen angels), I believe some ancient originally Jewish "God" became a human being. The Romans killed Him and He came back from the dead so He could "In Yo Face" all the dudes who said it couldn't be done.

If you think that's something, let's have some FULL disclosure here. Laugh if you want. I'm a growed-up. I can take it. :D

I believe just because some tired, middle-age man who was "ordained" whispers a few words and holds up a white, flat cookie and a wine-cup in the air, it become the actual real-deal "body and blood" of the "God who became a man"..

The only difference between you and me is I don't use science as a substitute for faith or to faith as a substitute for science.
3 more comments from Ultraviolet
"LMAO, you believe centrifugal force causes inward motion! That is precious."
Oh goody, another GTV Mind Reader telling me what I believe and absent the same proof he supplies for...
"ALL imperical evidence proves the Earth is a stationary plane."
Protip: It's "empirical", muchacho. Unlike your suppositions about what I "believe", you can't tell the difference between "imperical" and "empirical". …More
"LMAO, you believe centrifugal force causes inward motion! That is precious."

Oh goody, another GTV Mind Reader telling me what I believe and absent the same proof he supplies for...

"ALL imperical evidence proves the Earth is a stationary plane."

Protip: It's "empirical", muchacho. Unlike your suppositions about what I "believe", you can't tell the difference between "imperical" and "empirical".

"you are living The Great Delusion spoken of in St Matthew's Gospel."

Quote St. Matthew stating the earth is flat. I'll wait. :)
" action that is boyency." @Joao H Machado opposed to "girlency", ? :D
...and what of excell-ency? :PMore
" action that is boyency." @Joao H Machado opposed to "girlency", ? :D
...and what of excell-ency? :P
"Is the Earth a sphere?"
If you're asking me for help with your Earth Science homework, I'm only too happy to help out. it's like a giant dome leading up to a sacred mountain. That thing is resting on the backs of magical elephants who stand on a giant inter-galactic space-turtle. Make certain you to include scientific charts. Teachers like those. Guaranteed high marks, A++
Here, I'll help. :DMore
"Is the Earth a sphere?"

If you're asking me for help with your Earth Science homework, I'm only too happy to help out. it's like a giant dome leading up to a sacred mountain. That thing is resting on the backs of magical elephants who stand on a giant inter-galactic space-turtle. Make certain you to include scientific charts. Teachers like those. Guaranteed high marks, A++

Here, I'll help. :D
Juan Perez
The sun revolves around the earth, that is the position of the church. Galileo was wrong and the church was right.
Genesis 1:6 And God said: Let there be a firmament made amidst the waters: and let it divide the waters from the waters.
1:7 And god made a firmament, and divided the waters that were under the firmament, from those that were above the firmament, and it was so.
1:8 And God called the firmament, Heaven; and the evening and morning were the second day.More
Genesis 1:6 And God said: Let there be a firmament made amidst the waters: and let it divide the waters from the waters.

1:7 And god made a firmament, and divided the waters that were under the firmament, from those that were above the firmament, and it was so.

1:8 And God called the firmament, Heaven; and the evening and morning were the second day.
"answer the question, yes or no... anything else is from the Devil."
Really now? Let's see some Scripture supporting this @Joao H Machado ...and, yes, I want you to post the passage I expect you do. You're never going to expect the passage, from the same source, that knocks your feet out from under you. ;-)More
"answer the question, yes or no... anything else is from the Devil."

Really now? Let's see some Scripture supporting this @Joao H Machado ...and, yes, I want you to post the passage I expect you do. You're never going to expect the passage, from the same source, that knocks your feet out from under you. ;-)
That's nice @Joao H Machado Still waiting for that Scripture quote.
8 more comments from Ultraviolet
I already answered your question AND supplied a helpful visual aid for your school project.
@Joao H Machado "You DID NOT answer the question... Answer the question! Is the Earth a sphere?"
Fact Check #1: I did answer your question on 9 April, 2022. Scroll up.
You asked: "Is the Earth a sphere?"
I answered: "'s like a giant dome leading up to a sacred mountain. That thing is resting on the backs of magical elephants who stand on a giant inter-galactic space-turtle."
I also uploaded …More
@Joao H Machado "You DID NOT answer the question... Answer the question! Is the Earth a sphere?"

Fact Check #1: I did answer your question on 9 April, 2022. Scroll up.

You asked: "Is the Earth a sphere?"

I answered: "'s like a giant dome leading up to a sacred mountain. That thing is resting on the backs of magical elephants who stand on a giant inter-galactic space-turtle."

I also uploaded an image to help illustrate the concept.

You received an answer, Joao. It was a sarcastic one, a flippant one, which is all you deserved. It may not be the answer you wanted or you expected but I DID answer your question.

"So, @Mathathias Maccabeus, @Ultraviolet refuses to answer a direct question.

Fact Check #2: I DID answer a direct question, Joao. Your problem is assuming an answer must fit YOUR parameters. It doesn't.

" I want to here from you in one post, in one line, respond only to this question with a YES or NO. Is the Earth a sphere?"

First, these are comments, not posts. Second, who are YOU to demand any kind of answer? Why must an answer be yes or no simply because YOU demand it? Who the heck are YOU to be that presumptuous?

"I know exactly what you are... you know that I know."

Oh joy, another GTV Mind-Reader who "knows" what other people knows and even "knows" when we know it. Please update your profile image, Joao. :P
@Joao H Machado
"Remember the day the cold steel of the sword was laid to rest on your chest? That was the day you sold your soul."
No, I don't remember that day because it never happened.
I haven't "sold my soul" and whatever sort of stupid reference you're trying to make, it fails in English.
@Mathathias Maccabeus
"Yes, it is a sphere. And the Doctors of the Church say it, too. So do several …
@Joao H Machado
"Remember the day the cold steel of the sword was laid to rest on your chest? That was the day you sold your soul."

No, I don't remember that day because it never happened.

I haven't "sold my soul" and whatever sort of stupid reference you're trying to make, it fails in English.

@Mathathias Maccabeus
"Yes, it is a sphere. And the Doctors of the Church say it, too. So do several fathers of the Church. That means yes."

That means a Fallacious Appeal to Authority. :P Unfortunately, the Doctors Of The Church didn't have access to modern scientific research.

Here's how to win bets and influence preconceptions.

What is a sphere?

In geometry, "A sphere is the set of points that are all at the same distance r from a given point in three-dimensional space"

Sphere - Wikipedia

Is the earth a sphere?

Geometrically speaking, no.

"While the Earth appears to be round when viewed from the vantage point of space, it is actually closer to an ellipsoid. However, even an ellipsoid does not adequately describe the Earth’s unique and ever-changing shape.

Our planet is pudgier at the equator than at the poles by about 70,000 feet."

Is the Earth round?

Thus, a radius r at the equator is greater than a radius r at either the north or south pole. This contradicts the definition of a sphere.
"Appealing to the doctors when the “excuse” for a flat earth is “biblical” isn’t a fallacious appeal to authority."
But citing them as proof the earth is a sphere, however, is. :)
…'cuz it ain't.
"As for it being not being a perfect sphere, most laymen will know what is meant when sphere is used."
Your original quote: "Yes, it is a sphere. And the Doctors of the Church say it, too. So do several …More
"Appealing to the doctors when the “excuse” for a flat earth is “biblical” isn’t a fallacious appeal to authority."

But citing them as proof the earth is a sphere, however, is. :)

…'cuz it ain't.

"As for it being not being a perfect sphere, most laymen will know what is meant when sphere is used."

Your original quote: "Yes, it is a sphere. And the Doctors of the Church say it, too. So do several fathers of the Church. That means yes."

Now you're adding a new qualification not present in the original. From "yes it is a sphere" now it's "not being a perfect sphere". Matty's movin' the goal-posts.

" most laymen will know what is meant when sphere is used."

No True Scotsman Fallacy. :P

You're presupposing "most layman" will accept an inaccurate definition of "sphere".

" When the Church Fathers said it was a sphere, they knew mountains meant it wasn’t a perfect sphere."

Unless you can quote them verbatim on this point, you don't know what the Church Fathers "knew".

Also, I'm not referring to geographic features ON the sphere (i.e. mountains on the outer crust)… though a very precise interpretation of "sphere" would require the removal of these features as well. :D
My .gov site disproves your .gov site which can't even get its own terminology straight.
"Context of the conversation and who I was replying to led me to believe that this conversation was using Sacred Scripture as the proof that it was flat."
…irrelevant to the citation from the Church Fathers and their belief the earth is a sphere.
" I don’t know how it is where you are, but most people around …More
My .gov site disproves your .gov site which can't even get its own terminology straight.

"Context of the conversation and who I was replying to led me to believe that this conversation was using Sacred Scripture as the proof that it was flat."

…irrelevant to the citation from the Church Fathers and their belief the earth is a sphere.

" I don’t know how it is where you are, but most people around me that I have interacted with would absolutely use sphere"

That's a Fallacy of Anecdotal Evidence. What you claim people around you would do is, in this context, unprovable. Also, a Bandwagon Fallacy. Even if your claim is true, just because most people around you that you have interacted with do something or believe something, doesn't make it true.

" While I cannot confirm what they knew individually…"

Then you've disproven your claim. " When the Church Fathers said it was a sphere, they knew mountains meant it wasn’t a perfect sphere."

" we can paint an accurate description of what they would most likely say based around the pattern of thought they gave us."

...then doing so is speculation on what they might claim, not evidence of what they actually knew.

" Based on what St. Thomas Aquinas said in the quote I provided, for instance, we can see that he acknowledged and accepted…"

…which says nothing about any other Church Father or most Church Fathers.

Trying to extend what St. Thomas Aquinas said to other Church Fathers, absent equal support from each, is a Fallacy of Composition.

" Mountains are prt of the earth. So their features would be taken into account when discussing what the earth is."

Features rising above or below the surface of an object, aren't necessarily taken into account in defining its shape. This is why the source I linked previously focused on the large scale dimension of the earth, not every mountain nor ocean abyss. :)
Apologies you didn't get the commenting notification on the post without the express "@"
"I don’t see how NASA didn’t get the terminology right, they used the same language I used" @Mathathias Maccabeus
Just because NASA made the same casual mistake you did doen't mean they're right.
You can be forgiven since, to the best of my knowledge, you aren't a member of or representative of an aeronautic …More
Apologies you didn't get the commenting notification on the post without the express "@"

"I don’t see how NASA didn’t get the terminology right, they used the same language I used" @Mathathias Maccabeus

Just because NASA made the same casual mistake you did doen't mean they're right.

You can be forgiven since, to the best of my knowledge, you aren't a member of or representative of an aeronautic and space administration.

Those who are, should know better. The fact they don't, explains much of why our space program has declined and stagnated regardless of increases in technology.

When a scientific organization uses terms unscientifically, that indicates a serious problem.

"The Fathers weren’t talking about geometry, they weren’t having a precise scientific conversation about the dimensions of the earth."

More importantly, such information was unknown at the time. Even an angel might be allowed such a mistake since even from space the earth appears to be a sphere. :)

"If you have a problem with the words they used in their specific languages you can take that up with them."

A bit difficult since they're centuries dead. ;-)

"Likewise, when I say it’s a sphere, as you can see, NASA and the dictionary both say “Sphere” is acceptable."

Common misusage doesn't make something acceptable.

Rachel Levine and a team of flakey social-activist doctors can all insist she's female. The "Merrimack Webster" dictionary also agrees since they claim being female is "1 b : having a gender identity that is the opposite of male."

Definition of FEMALE

"Just because your source says a sphere has to be exactly equal on all sides to be a sphere does not mean that is the only definition of a sphere."

See my point about "female". :D The difference is, my source has given the most accurate definition.

"I have already shown that sphere has multiple definitions,"

The word "female" has multiple definitions, too. Just because it does, doesn't mean they're correct. :P

"So I have provided enough evidence on my side to show that “sphere” is accurate enough for this conversation"

You've shown enough evidence to show the word is commonly misused. Accuracy, however, is a different matter entirely.
"How recent is the definition of a sphere that you are using? "
@Mathathias Maccabeus
The definiition of a sphere predates all Church fathers and Christ's time on earth by centuries.
It's quite ancient. (from wiki source already cited)
"The geometry of the sphere was studied by the Greeks. Euclid's Elements defines the sphere in book XI, discusses various properties of the sphere in book XII, and …More
"How recent is the definition of a sphere that you are using? "
@Mathathias Maccabeus

The definiition of a sphere predates all Church fathers and Christ's time on earth by centuries.

It's quite ancient. (from wiki source already cited)

"The geometry of the sphere was studied by the Greeks. Euclid's Elements defines the sphere in book XI, discusses various properties of the sphere in book XII, and shows how to inscribe the five regular polyhedra within a sphere in book XIII. "

(Euclid lived circa. 300 BC -UV)
Ok iam all for that ,if that makes them happy !