Our Lady of America Booklet

“As the Archbishop in the 2/7/2024 Communication urged us to do, we will continue to read the writings paying “more attention to the author’s intention, in greater faithfulness to the teaching of the Church and above all in the awareness that the Divine Will is the Heavenly Father’s merciful appeal addressed to the free will of the men and women of our times”.
Archbishop D’Ascenzo's Communication

Viganò Rejects Defense Against Schism Accusation

Archbishop Viganò digs his own grave, by extravagant statements
“I believe that once again, we are seeing play out in real time the destruction of the person and reputation of another outstanding cleric of the Roman Church, since, because he lacks the courage to bring a canonical complaint to the competent tribunal, he is attempting to win his case by public debate and diatribes: a thing which can …More
Archbishop Viganò digs his own grave, by extravagant statements

“I believe that once again, we are seeing play out in real time the destruction of the person and reputation of another outstanding cleric of the Roman Church, since, because he lacks the courage to bring a canonical complaint to the competent tribunal, he is attempting to win his case by public debate and diatribes: a thing which can never succeed, since the Church of Jesus Christ is a juridical entity with proper laws and procedures, and justice must be sought in accord with them.
Contrariwise, if the Archbishop changes his legal strategy immediately by publicly appealing to a provincial council against the actions of a dicastery which was erected not by Pope Benedict XVI but by another claiming the papal office during his lifetime, he will put the entire dispute squarely on the proper legal grounds and avoid a charge of schism. For no one appealing to the proper tribunal is a schismatic. He will also in the strongest possible juridical manner put in doubt the claim of Pope Francis to have the right to move against him.
In such a case, the Bishops of the Roman Province can decide to call or not call the Council: the charges against Pope Francis being sufficient to hold the Apostolic See impeded (see here fore more about this). If the Bishops were to refuse to convene, then the Archbishop could rightfully appeal to any provincial council in the world, since such a refusal would confirm the juridical doubt concerning the impeded see and a conspiracy to overthrow the Church. Furthermore, even if the provincial council in the Roman province determine against him, he could appeal to other provincial councils, since such decisions put in writing in a provincial council would demonstrate the unjust basis of Pope Francis’ claims to office. This would raise the controversy to the international level and require a general council to hear the case, as numerous provincial councils could rightfully demand such be convened.
This is the way to fight as a Catholic in the footsteps of great saints such as St. Athanasius of Alexandria. Let us pray that the Archbishop wake up fast, before he is eaten up by the crocodile on the Tiber.”

((why get thrown out, letting things carry on, when this could actually be the moment to challenge and cause the Holy Church to investigate the legitimacy of PF?))

WATCH: Various Views on Vatican’s Vilification of Viganò

Archbishop Viganò digs his own grave, by extravagant statements
“I believe that once again, we are seeing play out in real time the destruction of the person and reputation of another outstanding cleric of the Roman Church, since, because he lacks the courage to bring a canonical complaint to the competent tribunal, he is attempting to win his case by public debate and diatribes: a thing which can …More
Archbishop Viganò digs his own grave, by extravagant statements

“I believe that once again, we are seeing play out in real time the destruction of the person and reputation of another outstanding cleric of the Roman Church, since, because he lacks the courage to bring a canonical complaint to the competent tribunal, he is attempting to win his case by public debate and diatribes: a thing which can never succeed, since the Church of Jesus Christ is a juridical entity with proper laws and procedures, and justice must be sought in accord with them.
Contrariwise, if the Archbishop changes his legal strategy immediately by publicly appealing to a provincial council against the actions of a dicastery which was erected not by Pope Benedict XVI but by another claiming the papal office during his lifetime, he will put the entire dispute squarely on the proper legal grounds and avoid a charge of schism. For no one appealing to the proper tribunal is a schismatic. He will also in the strongest possible juridical manner put in doubt the claim of Pope Francis to have the right to move against him.
In such a case, the Bishops of the Roman Province can decide to call or not call the Council: the charges against Pope Francis being sufficient to hold the Apostolic See impeded (see here fore more about this). If the Bishops were to refuse to convene, then the Archbishop could rightfully appeal to any provincial council in the world, since such a refusal would confirm the juridical doubt concerning the impeded see and a conspiracy to overthrow the Church. Furthermore, even if the provincial council in the Roman province determine against him, he could appeal to other provincial councils, since such decisions put in writing in a provincial council would demonstrate the unjust basis of Pope Francis’ claims to office. This would raise the controversy to the international level and require a general council to hear the case, as numerous provincial councils could rightfully demand such be convened.
This is the way to fight as a Catholic in the footsteps of great saints such as St. Athanasius of Alexandria. Let us pray that the Archbishop wake up fast, before he is eaten up by the crocodile on the Tiber.”

((why get thrown out, letting things carry on, when this could actually be the moment to challenge and cause the Holy Church to investigate the legitimacy of PF?))

Francis Wants an Ecumenical Recognition of a "Papacy Without Content"

beheading Peter? He holds the Keys to the Kingdom!
Thy Kingdom Come!

Earliest manuscript of Gospel about Jesus’s childhood discovered

Our Lord’s first Miracle was at the wedding of Cana at the behest of His Most Holy Mother.

Mariologist Father Arthur Burton Calkins Has Passed Away (Update)

He also defended the Messages of St. Joseph to Sister Mary Ephrem - visionary of Our Lady of America! 🕊

"Luisa & The Kingdom off the Divine Will" Part 6

“Luisa and the Kingdom of the Divine Will”

Give your "Fiat" to God!

Our Lord has Spoken through chosen vessels throughout the Old and the New Testaments; especially in Redemption through Our Blessed Mother! Goodness of God in giving us Moses, Elijah…St. Margaret Mary, St. Faustina…!
2nd Epistle St. Paul to Corinthians 2:15-17 - “But even until this day when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart. But when they shall be converted to the Lord, the veil shall …More
Our Lord has Spoken through chosen vessels throughout the Old and the New Testaments; especially in Redemption through Our Blessed Mother! Goodness of God in giving us Moses, Elijah…St. Margaret Mary, St. Faustina…!

2nd Epistle St. Paul to Corinthians 2:15-17 - “But even until this day when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart. But when they shall be converted to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away. Now the Lord is a Spirit. And where the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all beholding the Glory of the Lord with open face, are transformed into the same Image from Glory to Glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

Pope Benedict XVI Has Left Rome for Germany - Dr Taylor Marshall Show

Friday was Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Saturday was Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sunday was Feast of St. Aloysius - this visit was a Gift to Pope Benedict XVI - Joseph Aloysius Ratzinger!
Long live Pope Benedict XVI - True defender of Holy Mother Church!